Blood On The Leaves

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Safari impatiently tapped his finger on his thigh as he sat on his private jet. This had dragged on for far too long and he was ready for it to Ivory and his unborn child had been separated from him for too long and he was hurting on the inside.

He thought of all the horrid things he did to her, most of which he didn't understand. He didn't understand why he raped her after they had sex. He didn't understand his mood swings. And most of all, he didn't understand why she put up with all of it.

Safari knew that if it had been any other woman, they would've left. They wouldn't have even given him a chance if he'd insulted and stalked them upon meeting them like he did Ivory. He was beyond puzzled and he planned on asking her why she stayed, but that would be way after he brought her back to the U.S.

"We will be landing in 10 minutes", his pilot said on the intercom.

Safari took a deep breath, unaware of the madness that was awaiting him.
"Jay just let me go please", Ivory begged

Jay shook violently as he wept

"I can't. He'll kill me. I can't", he repeated.

Ivory shook her head and grabbed his hand.

"No he won't. He's your big brother-

"He killed our mother", Jay sneered in disgust

Ivory's mouth dropped as Jay stared at her

"She was going to help the feds take down Boko Haram. She said she couldn't stand by and let people die at the hands of her own family. My dad found out so he put a hit out on her. Jacob wanted to impress him so he did it himself", he sobbed.

Ivory wiped her face as tears began to spill from her eyes.

"Why did you stay?", she whispered

"The same reason you did. Fear"

She swallowed the lump in her throat and held back the loud sob that was begging to come out. He was right. She wouldn't even be in this situation if she's just been strong enough to leave.

"Well we can be strong together, right now, Jay come back to America with me and start fresh", she said, nodding her head.

Jay nodded and stood up off of the ground. They were on the side of a deserted road that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. Jay pulled over when he began to have a panic attack. Ivory would've took the keys and drove away, but he kept them firmly gripped in his hand the entire time.

Just as they were getting up, they heard the sound of another car. Paying no attention to it, they began to walk to Jay's car, ready to start a new life. A truck pulled up next to them and two men jumped out. One grabbed Jay and the other grabbed Ivory. She kicked and screamed the entire way, but Jay lay still, going with their movements.

They were forced into the truck where they met the cold eyes of Jacob.

He stared at Ivory with a calm look on his face. She shook with fear and anxiousness. It was deathly quiet for what seemed to be hours when suddenly, Jacob pulled a gun from his waistband and fired one shot into Jay's head. Ivory screamed as he immediately slouched over onto her. She began to cry uncontrollably as the two men removed his body from the truck and put it in the trunk of Jay's car.

Both men then got inside of Jay's car and drove in the opposite direction as Jacob's truck. His driver then proceeded to their destination, which Ivory assumed was his house. He continued to stare at her as she sobbed, replaying what just happened in her head.

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