The Bomb (Fixed)

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For some reason, majority of the sentences were cut off on mobile, including the end of the chapter.

Achebe looked around the small dinning room one last time before letting out a sigh of relief.

"Ok, everything's set", she announced.

Safari helped Ivory off of the couch, walking behind her as she wobbled to the table. The boxes that once occupied the space had been pushed into rooms until further notice.
Violet had fallen asleep, so they put her on the futon while they talked over dinner.

"So, what's going on?" Safari asked, pulling out a chair.

Tafari and Achebe glanced over at each other before turning their attention to the couple across from them.

"Well, Taf and I have done some thinking and.....we've decided to make a few changes" Achebe replied

Ivory rose her eyebrows, looking between the two.

"Like?" Ivory asked, filling her plate with roast beef.

"Uhh like...." Tafari trailed off

"Marriage. We're engaged!" Achebe exclaimed with a smile

Ivory's shock was immediately evident to Achebe, who was afraid of how she might react.

"Wait. Engaged? Like getting married? Soon?" Safari asked in disbelief.

He was shocked about their engagement, but he also knew his brother could be impulsive, so he wasn't flabbergasted.

"Yes" Achebe replied, still smiling. She looked over at Ivory whose face hadn't changed. Her jaw was still touching the floor.

"Ivory?" Achebe said quietly

Ivory quickly shut her mouth before pursing her lips together.

"You two don't think it's a little soon? I mean, just barely graduated high school, Tafari is in his 20's and you haven't been together that long" Ivory replied truthfully.

Achebe nodded her head, letting Ivory know that she heard what she was saying.

"I know, but we love each other. We've already worked out the details and we're ready. Love is crazy, I know, but we are too" she said, looking over at Tafari.

Ivory looked at the two as they smiled at each other before letting out a small sigh.

"Well alright....if you really feel like you're ready, then I support you. Congratulations" Ivory said, flashing a very convincing smile.

Achebe beamed at Ivory's approval and squeezed Tafari's hand. Safari sat with his hand covering his face.

"Brother?" Tafari said slowly

Safari looked up at his little brother with a tight smile,reminding himself that Tafari was young and prone to dumb decisions.

"Congratulations" he finally replied, before flashing a smile similar to Ivory's.

Tafari saw right through it, but he didn't care. As long as Achebe was happy, so was he.

"So, are you two gonna stay here or buy a house?" Ivory said jokingly.

"Actually.....we are" Tafari said slowly

Safari choked on his water, causing everyone to stare at him.

"Well, we are getting married. That makes the most sense, don't you think" Tafari spoke quickly.

"Yeah and we want a fresh start. Somewhere where the drama won't follow" Achebe answered

Ivory began to breathe faster, holding her stomach as the conversation continued.

"Well...." Safari trailed off

"You still don't think you're moving too fast?" Ivory asked cautiously

Achebe bit her lip, becoming annoyed at Ivory's judmentalness.

"Well I mean, you just turned twenty and you have twins on the way...with a house...." Achebe trailed off, as she sipped her iced tea.

Ivory drew back as she snorted

"So what area?" Safari asked, trying to defuse the situation.

"Ontario" Tafari replied without thinking

Both Ivory​ and Safari's heads snapped over to him.

"Canada?" Ivory asked quietly

Achebe let out a sigh as Tafari nodded his head

"Why Canada?" Ivory asked, now annoyed

"I told you we want a fresh start Ivory. No drama. I don't understand why you're flipping out over this, after essentially​ dismissing our engagement" Achebe said in confusion.

"People get engaged all the time Achebe, but a lot of them don't go through with it. When you buy a house with another person, there's quite a bit you have to go through to undo it" Ivory said, rubbing her swollen belly.

"I can't believe you. See, this is what I want to get away from"

"Oh, so by drama, you meant me?"

"Well, everything that has happened has had a common denominator"

Tafari and Safari worriedly looked at each other, knowing this wasn't going to end well.

"Maybe we should all calm-

"Shut up Safari!" Ivory exclaimed

"Oh, now you wanna stick up to him?" Achebe said mockingly

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh you know exactly what that means" Achebe spat back, venom dripping from her words

The room grew deathly quiet as everyone stared at Achebe. Ivory nodded her head as tears welled in her eyes.

"Fuck you" Ivory spat as she stood up from her chair. She felt a sharp pain in her stomach, causing her to place her hand on the area of discomfort.

Safari looked back and forth between the women as the situation heightened.

"I'm just saying you should look at your life before you judge mine" Achebe spoke quietly with her head down

"Where is this coming from?"

"The heart" Achebe said coldly.

"Look. I don't know what has gotten into you or why you feel like you need to attack me, but I don't have to take this. Good luck on your bullshit" Ivory spat before walking towards the door.

No one spoke as Safari went to the living room and scooped up a sleepy Violet. Ivory opened the door before quickly placing her hand on the frame. She turned towards Safari as she felt a hot sensation going down her leg.

"Oh my god! Ivory you're going into labor!" Safari whisper-yelled

Ivory looked down at her pants to see that they were in fact, very moist. Safari rushed Violet to the couch before going back to Ivory. Tafari and Achebe stood there in shock as Safari helped her to the couch.

"Call an ambulance!" Safari yelled, placing the shock induced Ivory on the opposite end of Violet.

"This is really happening" Ivory croaked

"We're having babies"

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