New Friends

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Ivory woke up the next morning with an even worse cold. She was having intense chest pains and a runny nose. Michelle was nowhere to be found and it was raining outside.

Ivory groaned and rolled out of the bed, sliding on her Courage The Cowardly Dog slippers. Grabbing her toiletry bag, she left her dorm and shuffled to the showers. The steam helped and she felt a little better already.

She stepped out and began to brush her teeth. There were two other girls standing at the sinks. One was washing her face while the other brushed her teeth.

"Use a humidifier at night and drink tea with honey and a cough drop in it", one girl said as she dried her face.

Ivory looked over at her confused.

"You know, for your cold", she said as she dug into her purse. Ivory looked down at the running water before looking back up.

"Is it that noticeable?", Ivory asked before looking in the mirror.

Her eyes were low and puffy, it looked as if she'd been crying.

"Nah, but the sniffles and heavy mouth breathing gives it away", she said before chuckling.

Ivory instantly closed her mouth and cracked a smile. The girl who had been brushing her teeth let out a small giggle and began to put a clay mask on.

"I'm Dubai", the girl said.

"Ivory", she stuck out her hand and shook with Dubai.

"I'm Jazlyn", the other girl said as she continued to apply her face mask.

"Nice to meet you two", Ivory replied before digging her moisturizer out of her bag.

The other two nodded and began to hold conversation with Ivory. They shared common interests and acted as if they knew each other forever. Ivory was actually making friends.

"Girl yes, but we all should hang out sometime", Dubai said

Ivory nodded her head in agreement and the girls exchanged numbers. They all left and went to their dorms. Dubai was actually two rooms down from Ivory and Jazlyn was Ashley's roommate.

Ivory spent the day in her bed with a humidifier that Dubai loaned her on blast. She turned off her phone and ate some soup before drifting off to sleep.

Safari laid back on his couch and let out a long, frustrated sigh. He felt bad about leaving Ivory at the bistro after he acted like an ass towards her.

He decided to call her,but it went straight to voicemail. He called several times before coming up with the theory that she blocked him. He became antsy and annoyed, so he decided he would go see her.

Her threw on a sweater and his Tim's before going out the door. The drive to campus was usually fifteen minutes, but Safari made it in ten.

Once again, the front desk was vacant. Safari paid it no mind and went straight to Ivory's dorm. He beat on the door like the police, but since it was the weekend, there were only a few people in that wing.

The door swung open to reveal Michelle who arrived shortly after Ivory went to sleep. She was actually studying before Safari came.

"What?!", she barked

Safari looked down at her small frame like she was crazy before speaking.

"Where's Ivory?", he asked coldly before peeking into their dorm.

Michelle stepped in front of him, blocking his view. Even though she didn't really know Ivory, she could tell she didn't feel good and she didn't know Ivory's relationship with the guy in front of her.

"She's not here right now, but I can take a message", Michelle replied in a fake friendly tone.

Safari pushed past her, making her fall before he stormed up to Ivory, who was in a deep sleep. He disregarded the fact that she was sleeping and shook her violently to wake her up.

Ivory shot up, frightened.

"You need to leave", Michelle stated sternly.

Ivory looked up at Safari with confusion.

"Why won't you answer my calls? Did you block me or something?", Safari asked tight lipped.

"What? My phone has been off all day so I could sleep. In case you haven't noticed, I'm sick", Ivory replied with annoyance.

She thought Safari was being childish along with him overreacting. The barely knew each other and he was getting upset over nothing. He was being extremely rude and he was making her mad.

"Oh well, you were fine when I saw you yesterday ", he said, starting to feel bad.

"I was fine until you left me. I had to sit out in 20° weather for twenty minutes until the bus came", Ivory stated, matter-of-factly.

Safari's face softened and he felt extremely guilty. He scratched the back of his neck.

"Sorry", he mumbled before leaving. Michelle closed and locked the door before turning to Ivory with a hand on her small hip.

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't know he would do that. I barely know him", Ivory said lowly.

Michelle raised her eyebrows

"Really? He acts like you two are a couple", Michelle said before snorting.

She sat back on her bed and continued to study. Ivory laid back and tried to go to sleep,but she couldn't. All she could think about was Safari......and why he acted that way. Either way, Ivory clubs tell he had serious issues.....

And she needed to stay away from him

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