Waiting Game

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Ivory walked around the spacious loft with Safari behind her. So far, they had looked at six different places and Ivory wasn't feeling any of them.

Safari wanted to buy a large home for all of them to live in, but he knew Ivory wouldn't let that happen. So, he had to push his feelings aside and think of hers.

Ivory shook her head as she looked out of the glass window that replaced a wall. You could see the entire city, but she felt this was more of a bachelor pad.

"You know, we could always buy a house together", Safari whispered in her ear.

Ivory made a face at him before rolling her eyes.

"Safari I told you. I'm not comfortable with that. I'm surprised I've been at your place this long", she said honestly.

Safari nodded in understanding and wandered off into one of the two bedrooms. Ivory bit her lip and looked around again.

"How many more do we have left?", she asked the realtor, Sharon.

"We have two more that I think you'll love. They're family friendly and away from the city", she replied with a smile.

Sharon excused herself as she stepped outside to take a call. Ivory went to go check up on Safari. She found him looking in one of the bedroom closets.

"There's a mouse hole", he said dryly, moving over so Ivory could look.

She frowned at the sight, moving in a little bit more. Doing so, she accidentally stumbled, but Safari caught her, holding her close.

"Be careful", he whispered, pulling her up.

His cool breath blew against her neck as she stood up, sending chills down her spine. Ivory awkwardly cleared her throat and stepped away from Safari.

"I didn't really like this place anyway", she said, looking around.

Safari nodded his head, agreeing with her.

"Yeah, it's not exactly baby friendly", he replied .

The front door opened and the sound of Sharon's heels echoed throughout the condo. Safari and Ivory both exited the room and went to the living area, where Sharon was adjusting one of the fixtures.

"Are we all set to see the next place? ", she asked with a bright smile.

" Yup", Ivory nodded as Safari took out his car keys.

Once they were in the car and following Sharon, Safari felt now was the time to actually talk to Ivory.

"I thought your friend would be here", Safari said, glancing at Ivory.

"Yeah, she had a family thing so she couldn't make it", Ivory replied.

Safari nodded

"You know you could always stay with me", he said softly.

"Safari I-

"I know we've been through some things and I'm to blame for that. I just want to make things right and be a good father to my child. I've been going to sessions and taking my medicine, like you asked. Please, at least consider it", he pleaded, parking the car.

He looked over and stared at her with pleading eyes.

Ivory bit her lip

"I'll have a new house built just for our family. In the meantime, you can stay with me", he added.

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