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She jumped back, frightened by his sudden presence.

"Yes?", she squeaked

"Are you alright?", Jacob asked

She nodded her head and gave him a very fake reassuring smile.

"I'm fine", she lied

She was truly terrified of Jacob, now knowing what he was capable of.

"Well I would like to take you on a trip with me to our homeland. Nigeria", he said with a smile.

Ivory froze, feeling as though cotton was in her mouth.

"Ni-Nigeria?", she trembled

"Well yes. I'll be there on business, but I would like you to accompany me. I know you haven't been there since childhood", he replied, holding his unconcerned smile.

"I um.....I don't think anymore flying would be good", she started.

She knew she would be taking a big gamble, but her options were limited. For all she knew, he might take her to Africa and sell her or just downright leave her.

"Why is that?", he asked

His smile had dropped and he began to get closer to a trembling Ivory. She closed her eyes and spoke, unable to look at his face.

"Jacob listen....I'm sure my mother didn't tell you this and I'm sorry but....I'm pregnant"

She opened her eyes and was greeted by Jacob's black ones. He was now toe to toe with her, his large hand holding both of hers.

"That is all right beauty. Everything will come together. If you thought that your bastard child would put a strain on our engagement then you're mistaken. We will get married still, but we'll need to move up the date yet again so you will not be showing", he said before giving her a kiss on the head.

Ivory stood with her mouth slightly ajar. She couldn't believe he was so calm about it. She also had a tough time digesting her fast approaching wedding. Ivory had to think of a way out and she had no time to lose.
Jay strolled through the house, appearing carefree. He held a small smirk on his face as he thought about Ivory. He was intrigued in more ways than one.

He wanted her to himself , not only because he craved her, but because his brother would destroy her. Unlike Jacob, Jay acted on impulse, but had a good heart, which is why his father didn't allow Jacob to train him. He didn't want someone as malleable as his younger son with a gun in his hand.

Jacob had always been their father's favorite. He was calm, yet deadly, which made him just like their father. Because of this, Jay spent most of his time with his mother, who did everything in her power to prevent him from becoming his father and older brother.

For the most part, she succeeded, but there were some things a boy just needed to learn from his father. While Jacob had impeccable social skills, Jay was extremely clever. He would often talk himself out of trouble as a child and he could convince anyone of anything.

Though, as he got older, his kind heart began to harden. It started with the death of his mother, who was the only person that wanted him to be himself instead of a soldier. She was what kept him going and when she died, he fell apart, turning to a life of crime.

He dropped out of law school and began selling drugs, gambling, and drinking. Naturally, Jacob took him in and paid off his debts. In return, Jay had to do small jobs for Boko Hareem, like recruiting younger people through websites and social media. He also went to rehab to control his addictions, which he recently relapsed to after finding out his brother would have yet another victim.

What Jacob did to women actually tore Jay apart, but he couldn't do anything to help them. In his heart, he knew it was wrong to just stand by and not do anything, but if he interfered, Jacob would kill him. His brother had always been heartless and has been on a silent killing spree since he was put into power.

Jay went to his room and locked the door. He hates thinking about his family and all of their abnormal problems. Although he had more freedom then Ivory, they were basically in the same situation. Trapped.

Jay went to his drawer and took out the small handbag he had grown a love hate relationship with. He took the bag and sat on the bed, undoing the drawstrings. He pulled out the little baggy filled with white powder. He then escaped, just for a little while, from his messed up life.
Ivory slowly walked to her room, on the verge of tears. She didn't know what to do. She needed to escape, but she knew it would be far from easy. She would have to get past the guards and find a way of transportation, but she wasn't even sure where she was.

She shook her head as she thought about how bad her life really was. She had no one to really look out for her. Yes, Achebe was around, but she wasn't as reliable as she seems. Safari was out doing Lord knows what and her mother is the one that got her in this situation.

Her head snapped up as she heard a door open. Jay stumbled out of his room, holding onto the wall.

"Are you ok?"

Jay looked up at her and shook his head.

"No, but I will be. Lets take a ride", he said with a smirk.

Ivory's heart began to race

"This is your chance to escape!",a voice screamed in her head

"Will Jacob be ok with that?", she asked, biting her lip.

Jay shrugged

"I don't know and I don't care. Lets go"
************************************Safari walked out of the police station with a clear head. Kiyanne decided to drop the charges so he was free to go. He wanted to go home, take a long shower, and go to bed, but he had more important things to do.

His search for Ivory would commence, as he would be meeting with the PI. He drove to the office to meet with him.

"What do you have for me?", Safari asked.

"I know where she is. South London", the ex detective stated proudly.

Safari frowned

"South London?"

"Yeah and she's not alone. I have a friend up there who may have a lead on who she's with", he replied, pulling out some photos.

"The same man she was with at the airport was seen at a gas station, buying a ton of alcohol......with her", he added.

Safari ran his hand down his face, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"When was this taken?"

"A few hours ago"

Safari nodded his head and stated at the picture. Ivory didn't look like her normal vibrant self. If anything, she looked scared, yet calm.

"Baby what are you doing?", he whispered

EbonyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora