Sober Thoughts

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Ivory awoke the next morning in the large king size bed she fell asleep in the night before. She stretched her arms and looked around her rather large room. Hopping out of bed,  her feet touched the cold hard floor as they carried her to the bathroom.

After taking a quick bath,  Ivory got dressed in a simple sweater, jeans, and scarf, not knowing what she would be doing today. She found her way to the kitchen,  admiring the art along the way. She could smell food as she got closer and her mood was instantly boosted when her nose picked up the familiar scent of bacon.

She turned into the large area only to see Safari standing at the stove,  shirtless at that. Ivory admired his muscular back before clearing her throat and proceeding into the kitchen. Safari turned around and gave her a smile.

"Goodmorning", he beamed. Ivory's eyes swept down to the tattoos all over his sculpted body.

"Goodmorning", she replied as she slid into a seat at the island.

In front of her was an assortment of fruits and breakfast foods. She saw some of her favorites like waffles, blueberry crepes, and pineapples. Safari turned off the stove and poured chocolate sauce onto the freshly made pancakes.

"I hope your hungry", he said with a grin as he sat a stack of plates in front of her.

Ivory began piling food onto her plate. She started with the fruits as she unpeeled a banana. She was naturally a slow eater so she took her time eating the banana,  not thinking anything of it. She wrapped her plump lips around it and gently bit a piece off.

Safari stared at her in awe, his mind shuffled with lustrous thoughts. He knew she wasn't doing it on purpose and that's what turned him on even more. His breathing got heavier when she began to eat strawberries as juice beaded onto her bottom lip.

Ivory felt him staring, so she made eye contact. They stared at each other for what felt like forever before Safari broke it. Ivory's eyes swept down as she saw the large bulge in his sweatpants. She quickly looked away and continued eating as Safari shuffled out of the kitchen.

Once Ivory was finished eating, she washed her dishes and went to find Safari. She got the feeling that there was tension between them, but it was very sexual.

After wandering around for a few minutes, Ivory found him in the basement, working out. She decided to have some innocent fun and went upstairs to change. She found some spandex shorts and a tank top in the drawers of her room. She also got a pair of brand new sneakers out of the closet. After putting them on, she went back into the weight room and began stretching.

It didn't take long before Safari took notice and stopped what he was doing. Ivory proceeded with a little yoga as she did the downward dog. Safari could feel that tightness in his pants again, so he shifted a bit and continued to watch her.

After a few more minutes, Ivory got on the treadmill and began walking at an incline, which made her butt poke out. Safari bit his lip and contemplated whether he should pursue her or not. Against his manly nature,  he decided to just leave before he pounced on her. As he was walking past,  Ivory caught a glimpse of the monster in his sweatpants.
Later on,  Safari went out to handle something and left Ivory a credit card and a driver. She quickly got the memo and went out to explore Paris. By default,  the first thing she went to see was the Eiffle Tower. Pulling out her phone for the first time since being in Paris. She noticed all of the notifications she had. Scolding herself, she realized she hadn't told her friends where she was.

She quickly dialed Dubai's number and was immediately answered.

"Where are you? Are you alright? Did the crazy nigga kidnap you?!", Dubai yelled frantically.

Ivory tucked a stray hair behind her ear and decided to go into the bistro since it was a little chilly outside.

"I'm fine. I'm just on a little trip, that's all. I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner", she replied. She was too caught up in the date, Paris, and Safari to think of anything else.

"So the psycho didn't kidnap you? ", Dubai asked,  unsure of Ivory's story.

Ivory lightly chuckled as she entered the bistro.

" No he did not. And please stop calling him that. It's degrading", she said as she took a seat in the corner, away from the few people who were there.

"Well ex-a-ca-yuse me. My bad, but you're with him right? ", she asked.

" Yeah, we're actually in Paris", she said as a smile began to form on her face.

"What the what?!", Dubai exclaimed. She was having a hard time with this whole situation.

"Yeah, we got on a private jet and flew here. Then we went to dinner", she said, reminiscing on the night before.

"Omg omg omg.... Ok, sooo where are you staying? It's probably a high class ass hotel right? ", she asked curiously.

" No,  we're actually at his summer house that he has here. Although, it's a huge mansion that makes our houses seem like the summer ones", she said while looking at the menu.

She was really glad she took Spanish and French during high school and some of college. She chewed her lip as her mouth began to water.

"Say whhhhaaa? I knew he had money, but damn",she said in disbelief

"Yeah...I wish you could of came... All of you actually. You guys would love it here", Ivory said with a small sigh.

"Well maybe next time boo, but I won't hold you up. But just remember something for me", she said

"What? "

" The birds... Are chirping.... Awh ah ah ah ah ahhh ", she crooked into Ivory's ear

Ivory went into a small laughing fit, thinking of the video of the shirtless little kid with a sharpie tattoo.

" I love you. Bye", Dubai laughed

"Love you too", Ivory replied before hanging up.

"Who was that?", a voice asked, causing her to jump.

She quickly looked up only to see Safari looking back at her with those beautiful, but deadly eyes.

"Oh,  it was my friend... When did you get here? ", she asked as she tried to get her heartbeat back.

" A minute ago. Is this friend a guy?", he continued.

"Nooo... It was a girl and how did you know where I was?", she asked.

"Oh and the driver told me", he said and quickly looked down.

Ivory could tell he was lying, but didn't want to push it any further.

"Oh, well are you done with everything?", she asked politely.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm done with everything. I'm all yours", he said with a flirtatious smile. Ivory crossed her legs and smiled back, unaware that they were both thinking about the same thing.

Hot, hard-core, passionate-

"Ivory? Why... Are you looking at me like that?",  Safari said with a laugh.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I was just thinking about... Some things", she said quietly.

"You mean fucking me? ", he asked with a smile. Ivory felt his hand slide up her leg.

Ivory's eyes got wide and her mouth dropped at his bluntness and gesture.

" Umm, I umm...... I think I should leave now and uh let you get back to your business ", she said as she shot up from her chair.

" Ivory, I didn't mean to upset-"

"No,  no you're fine. I'm just gonna leave now. Ok byeee ", she said as she practically ran out the door.

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