Cruel Intentions

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Safari paced back and forth in the cell. His mind was going 100mph, but he couldn't do anything about it at the moment. He'd been there for 5 hours now and he was slowly losing his mind.

The private investigator had an important update on Ivory, but this was unknown to Safari, due to his location.

"If I could just get to a phone", he thought

Suddenly, an officer stopped at his cell.

"You can make your phone call now. Make it quick", he said in a grunt tone.

Safari let out a sigh of relief and stood there, waiting for the cell to be opened. Once it was, he quickly shuffled to the phone and dialed a number he knew he would regret later.


"Tafari? Its me. I'm in jail"
Achebe raced to put her shoes on. She planned on doing something her mother had never approved of. Fighting.

Once Tafari received that phone call, Achebe was officially ready to go to war. Although she wasn't a fan of Safari, she knew something had to be done about Kiyanne. She's done nothing but  wreck havoc since she's gotten here and Achebe was sick of her.

So, as soon as Tafari left to go to the police station, Achebe got Violet and herself dressed. She would drop Violet off at the gymnastics class she was just enrolled in, handle Kiyanne, and then go back to watch Vi.

She knew Tafari wouldn't approve, which is why she didn't tell him about her mission. She looked in the mirror and put her hair in a low ponytail. She paused for a minute and examined her face. There was a small scar on her neck, which was the only injury she received from beating Kiyanne last time.

She thought back on the sweet girl she used to be, who never fought and was a straight A student. She was reliable back then and was a very comforting person. All of that changed when she met Ant, the good looking gang banger who offered to be the Clyde to her Bonnie.

They met at a party of a mutual friend and they instantly clicked. To him, she was innocent and easily influenced. But for her, he was a misguided young man who needed someone to be in his corner. Both of them were right about each other, but the odds were never in Achebe's favor.

He was her first love, but he wasn't capable of loving anyone. He wouldn't allow it.

Achebe shook her head as thoughts of her old life began to loom in her head. She turned off the lights and grabbed Violet's hand, walking out of the door.
Ivory sat on the couch, staring absent mindedly at the tv. The news was on, but she wasn't paying much attention. Her thoughts were about Jacob and her baby. After Jay's revelation, she wasn't sure how to tell Jacob.

She considered not telling him at all, but she wasn't sure how soon she could break out of here.

"Boko Haram has struck again earlier this morning in northern Nigeria. The Islamist militant group bombed several buildings, which contained both civilians and military personnel. The terrorist group came about in 2009, expressing their intolerance for anything considered western, including education. Schools with western teachings have been the target of Boko Haram, who have since made their own schools. Although, they have been using their schools mainly as recruiting grounds for their movement"

Ivory instantly looked up, seeing as though she was an Igbo girl herself. Her jaw dropped as photos of the soldiers flashed across the screen. She'd seen those uniforms before, but she couldn't remember where. She racked her brain for awhile before jumping up and walking to Jacob's vacant office. She looked around for a while before her hand flew to her mouth.

There was a picture on the far left wall. It was Jacob and two other men, holding rifles. They were dressed in military uniforms. The same ones that Ivory had just seen on the news. Her eyes began to swell as she came to a sudden and terrifying realization.

She was living with a terrorist.

And she would soon be his wife.

Didn't see that coming did you? Now you know what he does for a living.

Will Safari get out of jail in time to save Ivory?

Are you ready for round two of Achebe vs. Kiyanne?

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