First 48

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"Two days? No that doesn't sound like Ivory at all. I'll ask around and see if anyone has seen or heard from her. I just don't know where she could be", Ashley said, shaking her head

"Well thanks for helping", Achebe replied

"No problem. Ivory is a very good friend and it would break my heart to hear that something happened to her"

"Yeah, well call me if you get anything"

"Ok. Take care", Ashley replied before hanging up.

Achebe sat back in the car and sighed before starting up the engine.

"Ivory where are you?", she asked out loud.

"The last entry was what?", Safari asked. He had the car company give him the location of Ivory's car through the GPS system.

"Um Bishop International Airport", the woman repeated.

Safari wiped his hand down his face in frustration.

"Ok thank you", Safari said before hanging up.

'Where the hell did she go', he thought.

Safari grabbed his credit card statement and looked over it again. It didn't show a purchase for a plane ticket. Safari shook his head and grabbed his keys, leaving the hotel he was at.

Safari didn't know if Kiyanne was still at his home, but that could wait. Right now, he planned on going to the airport to look through Ivory's car and possibly information on her location.

Once he was there, he went to the parking garage and used his spare key to unlock the doors. The first thing he automatically noticed was a bullet hole on the bumper.

"What the hell?", he asked himself.

He looked inside and saw a small blood stain in the backseat, which was from Ivory's gunshot wound. Safari began to panic as his mind created its own scenarios that may have came true.

He pulled out his phone and took pictures of the scene. He then called a long time associate, who was a private investigator he hired.

"James? Yeah it's Safari. I'm sending the pictures now"

Ivory awkwardly sat at the table, picking her food. Jacob had a chef who would come and prepare every meal. He made a very fancy and five star meal, which was honestly too much for the three to consume.

Jay stared at her when Jacob wasn't. Her shoulder was killing her, but she needed her guard to be up, especially since Jay threatened her every chance he got.

Ivory quickly noticed how different the two were. Jacob was very cut, clean, and intelligent. Jay on the other hand was a little reckless and lived life in the fast lane, which Ivory experienced. When it came to looks, they were both handsome, but the way Jacob carried himself made him seem more attractive.

The two almost reminded her of Tafari and Safari.

Ivory's mood went from dim to slightly angry when that thought came into her mind.


Ivory couldn't understand his sudden change of heart. Before, he was fine with her playing mommy. He came back from Georgia with a completely different attitude. Without realizing it, Ivory was stabbing her food violently.

Both Jacob and Jay watched her in silence as she killed her food. Ivory snapped out of her trance when she heard something crack. She looked down and saw she'd made a crack in her plate.

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