chapter 12

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While we were walking I started to notice a bunch of lights I could hear peoples talking getting louder and the smell of food reached my nose. We were still a good block away but I just couldn't wait any longer I started to push through the group and ran the rest of the way. "(F/n)-senpai wait for us!!!" Yelled Rei I came to a stop to let the others catch up "sorry I just can't wait I'm way too excited." I started to jump up and down like a little kid causing everyone to laugh at my childishness " (f/n)-chan let's have a hopping race to see who gets there faster, it can be you, me, momo-chan, and ai-chan!" Said Nagisa wanting to act childish as well. "Nagisa that's not a very good idea (f/n) might trip and fall." Says Makoto "he's right and we only have a couple more steps we can walk fine as a group." Says Souske "ok all right I get it but I have a feeling it's because you guys are afraid that I'll beat you." I say with as much cockiness  I think is humanly possible Gou laughs at my cockiness and says in a teasing way "are you guys really gonna back down from a challenge?" "I never back down from a challenge I'm in." Says Rin "me too, me too I bet I can beat all of you and I'll win Gou-sans heart while I'm at it."says Momo I roll my eyes at this because it's obvious he just wants her attention "I want to play too." Says Nagisa and Nitori "well it's official we basically have everyone's approval. Lets do this!" I say while pumping my fist in the air I hear everyone cheer and I also hear a bit of laughter from the strangers looking at us I guess we were a bit to loud I started to feel embarrassed and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. As we walked through the fair I noticed a sign that read "Saba game. Sounds fun we should do that and see who wins!" "It's a mackerel game. I want to play." Says Haru I laugh at his excitment "IT'S NOT THAT KIND OF SABA!!!!!" Says Makoto and Rei making me laugh even more "ok let's do this at random ok? So let's begin."

I'm srry bad bad very bad chapter but thanks for reading :)

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