chapter 14

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"Ok we have 5 minutes to work on a strategy for our team." Says Rin I walk/jog with the guys keeping pace considering I had to borrow some sweatpants 2 sizes to big and a (f/c) tank top so I wouldn't ruin Gou's kimono. "Ok so the plan should be we all go and attack the other team then separate." Says Souske "I agree. So does anyone have any idea where the other team might be hiding?" I ask Rin's smile widens when I ask "they're on the beach." We walk there and I notice 5 figures huddled together "let's sneak up on them." Says Nitori we all nod and I notice a look of surprise on both Rin and Souske "what's wrong?" I ask "nothing...... It's just that Nitori doesn't normally come up with those suggestions."Says Rin "it's true Nitori-senpai usually stays quiet." Says Momo we all stare at Nitori "c'mon." We nod and follow Nitori we start shooting our water guns but miss the other team turns around and runs for cover Gou was screaming her head off and was really easy to shoot at I hit her 3 times before leaving her soaking wet in the sand. "Hey (f/n) I'm gonna go get some food I'll see you guys later. K?" "Ok bye Gou." I say and walk away I then here foot steps to heavy to be Gou's I turn around to see blue/black hair behind me I start to run as fast as I can run behind a rock I see Rei getting closer I pull out my (f/c) water gun and start shooting I miss a couple of times but finally hit him. I then here the Nagisa yell "Rei-chan!!!!" Nagisa starts to shoot at me while running towards Rei I see them having this really weird bromance moment but I didn't stay to watch the whole thing. I kept running but I suddenly felt water on my back as I'm turning around to see who my attacker was I step on my sweatpants and fall on the ground I suddenly feel a snap, I cry out in pain finally hitting the ground and seeing nothing but darkness.

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