chapter 27 (officially)

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Haru's POV
"(Bgf/n) has to be our slave for a week." I tell everyone it was innocent enough nothing that bad. "Ok so I'm confused is he only the guys slave or does the coolest girl in this table get him as a slave too?" Asks (f/n) "sorry (f/n)-chan only the people who participated get a slave." Says Nagisa shaking his finger in front of (f/n)'s face her (e/c) eyes following the finger wherever it goes. Nagisa giggles and so does (f/n), "hey Mira we're ready for the check." Says Souske "ok guys who's paying?" Asks Mira tilting her head to the side a little "Rin is." Says Momo blushing while looking at Mira. Mira handed the check to Rin and I swore I say him go a bit pail looking at the price of our food. "I'M NEVER PAYING FOR YOU GUYS AGAIN!!!" Yells Rin a dark aura surrounding him while he gives all of us the evil eye.
~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~
Makoto's POV
We were walking out of the restaurant (f/n) was ahead of us by a couple of blocks leaving all of us guys alone. All of a sudden Rin and Souske grabbed (bgf/n) by the back of his shirt pulling him back a little, "listen (bgf/n) since you're our slave for the week we already have your first job." Says Souske growling "we want you to stay away from (f/n)." Haru says his voice monotone but his eyes were as cold as ice. (Bgf/n)'s eyes widened in shock and fear I kinda felt bad, but at the same time I didn't want him with (f/n). "Look guys I don't know what I did but (f/n) and I are just good friends...." "(bgf/n) the deal was that you're our slave so you have to do as we say." Says Rei, (bgf/n) sighs, looks at the ground, and nods his head slowly. "Guys stop gossiping about me and move your butts!!" Yells (f/n) with a smirk on her lips, we all start to catch up to her and the small guilt I had started to grow with each step.
U guys I love the idea of this but really u peoples r just cruel. Oh well I liked it either way.

only free makoto x reader x haruजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें