chapter 21

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Today's the day of the joint practice with Samezuka academy. 'Today I finally get to swim again.' I think to myself as miss Ama-chan talks about some famous dead guy. I didn't pay attention to any of my classes today I'm just glad this is my last class. *RING* 'FINALLY!' I internally squeel, a huge smile gets plastered on my face I couldn't wait I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door not waiting for Haru or Makoto. I was taking the steps two at a time I could here people calling my name so once I reached the first floor of the school I stopped. Behind me was an out of breath Nagisa with everyone else behind him Rei was the only one who didn't seem out of breath. "(F/n)-chaaaaan don't run so fast.....we agreed that we would all walk together." Conplains Nagisa still leaning on the wall for support, I giggle "sorry Nagisa." After everyone catches their breath we walk to the pool together I start to notice a huge group of boys wearing black track jackets in the front were Rin, Souske, Nitori, and Momo they were all talking and didn't notice us until Gou screamed her brothers name and started to run. Rin stopped talking and looked at his muscle obsessed little sister, we followed behind Gou going over to greet the Samezuka team. "Hi guys welcome back." Says Makoto with his usual smile everyone says hi to each other but I decided to say hi to the people I knew "hey guys it's nice to see you again." I say to Rin, Souske, Nitori, and Momo. Momo runs up to me and gives me a bone crushing hug "(f/n)-san I've missed you!!!!" I struggle to breath "thanks Momo....I missed you...too but...can you please let go so I can breathe??" I say my face starting to turn blue, I can hear Nitori telling Momo to let me go before he kills me to death. At this point the whole Samezuka team was staring at me, suddenly Rin drapes his arm around my shoulder. "Everyone this is (f/n) she's a new member of the swim club so treat her nicely." Says Rin with a stern look on his face he then looks down at me and gives me a sharky smile, then Souske comes up to me says hi and gives me a little side hug I return it and start to walk away to the pool.

Makoto and Haru's POV
'What's going on between Souske and (f/n)?????!'

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