chapter 26

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"Ok guys you have 5 minutes to eat as many spicy dumplings as you can." I tell the guys "ready..........go!" I watch as the guys stuff there faces with spicy dumplings Nagisa is literally putting 20 in his mouth as for (bgf/n) he's still on his first and I swear I can see smoke coming out of his ears and tears in his eyes. *ring ring ring* the alarm rang signaling the end of the 5 minutes. "Ok so Nagisa ate 21 plates, Rin ate 19, Momo and Sauske ate 16, Makoto ate 10, Haru ate 8, (bgf/n) ate only 1 dumpling, and Nitori ate........25!!!!!!!!!" We all look back at the small gray head " I just really love spicy dumplings." We continue to stare at him and crack up laughing.

Rin's POV
"Well looks like Ai won and (bgf/n) lost completely." I say with a wicked grin directed at him ' I bet (f/n) will now realize he doesn't belong in our group of friends.

Nagisa's POV
"Since (bgf/n) lost he needs to have a punishment." I tell the group everyone agrees.

Makoto's POV
I normally don't like punishment games but I really don't want this guy close to (f/n).

Haru's POV
I nod and I know exactly what his punishment should be.

Sorry guys my chapters have been very sucky lately. gomendasai! *bows repeatedly*

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