chapter 28

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The weekend had gone by in a blur and it was Monday again. My alarm clock rang and I groand 'why does school have to start so early?' I pull off my (f/c) blanket and walk to my drawer to pull out my uniform. I finish getting ready and head to the kitchen where I knew (bgf/n) had breakfast ready for me, but when I got there all I saw was a plate of scrambled eggs and a letter. I ran to my table and ripped open the envelope 'Dear, (f/n)
It was fun to see you again and I had a great time seeing you and meeting your new friends. I didn't know how to tell you this in person that's why I wrote this instead. I guess your new friends didn't like me as much as you thought they would, because the day we left the restaurant they told me to leave. To move away and that's exactly what I did, but I was gonna leave anyway that's why I came to visit. I got accepted at that bording school in London I had talked to you about, and I wasn't gonna see you again for the next three years so I thought that I should leave after seeing you. But you and I both know this isn't goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting, and I'll never forget you.
I love you my little (nickname), from your best friend in the whole world. (Bgf/n)
P.S. eat the food I left cause I know how you normally eat nothing for breakfast.'

I felt the hot tears roll down my face and what started out as some tears turned into the freaking Niagara falls. 'I hate them!' I heard the door bell ring and I knew it was Makoto and Haru. I grabbed my bag and opened the door " hey (f/n).........what's wrong?" Asks Makoto in a concerned voice I rolled my eyes "as if both of you don't know." I slam my door and push through th wall that is Haru and Makoto. Suddenly I felt a grip on my arm I turned my head a fire burning in my eyes, I came face to face with Haru's ocean blue orbs. "(F/n) what's wrong?" I rip my arm from Haru's grip "you know what just leave me alone because by the looks of it you guys don't feel even a tiny bit of guilt about what you did to (bgf/n)!" I yell "or what you've now done to me." I whisper in a small voice I look up and see Haru looking shocked and Makoto's head is looking at the ground I start to turn but "(f/n) wait." I hear Haru say I ignore him and continue walking, the rest of my tears falling as I continue the walk to school.

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