chapter 32

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"Why are you guys here?" I ask the boys while slightly closing the door "they came to apologize." Says Gou her voice as hard as nails I was surprised I had never seen or heard her be this hard on the boys. "May we please come in?" Asked Makoto I give in and open the door slowly, all the boys go to my living room waiting for me to sit down so that they can all apologize. "Gou why did you do this?" I whisper to her "(f/n) the boys are sorry and they're suffering and so are you, I can tell. So please go in there and let them apologize." She pleads with me looking into my (e/c) eyes I sigh and nod my head, I walk towards the boys not looking at any of them "ok so let me just say this, I hate all of you for what you've done and I don't even have enough mental strength to deal with all of you at the same time.So can we do this one or two at a time? Please?" I finally look at the faces of all the young swimmers and see them nodding. "Ok well I'm gonna be in my room so you guys decide." I spin on my heels and head to my room.
~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~
I hear a knock and open my bedroom door, in steps Nitori and Mom they sat, apolozide, bowed repeatedly and then they gave me apology gifts. "(F/n)-san I want to give you this caterpillar, Gou-san said you would like it better than one of my amazing stag beetles." He pouts slightly at the thought of not being able to give me a stag beetle, I laugh and he lightens up I give him a hug. I just missed him so much I then pulled Nitori with us, I let them go and just give them a small smile "(f/n)-senpai I just got you some chocolate. Sorry for what we've done and I hope bribing you with food helps you forgive us." Nitori says with a small grin his ice blue eyes staring straight into my (e/c) ones. I smile a little bit more I'm still mad at the boys but I can't help it with Nitori and Momo they're like little brothers to me. I hug them again and then they leave I open the chocolate box cause I feel like drowning my emotions in food for a little bit I then heard a knock and swallowed "come in."

So I'm gonna make this into parts oh and I'm starting my second week of school so yay (please notice a bit of my sarcasm.) Gonna try and update asap but no promises. Bye peoples

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