chapter 32 (part 2)

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Your POV
"Come in." I see a two tall figures standing in my door way "hey there little mermaid." I look up and see Rin and Sousuke, Sousuke has his normal straight forward face while Rin is looking down at the ground a little. "Come on in you guys." They sat down on the floor with me and Rin decided to go straight to the point, "it was my fault I was the one with the idea. We're sorry for what we've done I was the one who grabbed (bgf/n) and told him to leave, but it was because we all really care about you we were all scared he might take you back to (h/c) and you would leave us."  Sousuke nodded and then grabbed my hand he placed a picture frame in my hand " This is from all of us so that if you do ever decide to leave you'll never forget us." says Sousuke a small smile playing on his lips, I look at the picture and smile it was a picture from when we went to the festival I had decided that we needed one to remember the first thing we did together. It was right in front of the ocean before the saba game I look at the frame and everyone had written their name and then there were some that had drawn a little picture right beside it. I look up and smile at Sousuke and Rin "thanks, and you guys don't have to worry I won't leave I could never leave you guys. I mean if I left who would entertain me everyday?" I laugh a little and so do they, they stand up and give me hugs. With both Rin and Sousuke being much taller than me they decided to pat my head making me feel like a small child. " Oh and (f/n) don't go to hard on Haru or Makoto okay?" says Rin I nod but I don't promise anything. They leave my room and almost emedietly Nagisa runs in and gives me a huge bear hug, I can't help it I just hug him back and smile I really can't stay mad at Nagisa "(f/n)-chan I'm so sorry we did that to you please forgive us!" "(f/n)-senpai we really are sorry for what we've done." Says Rei walking into my room, they both have a small gift Nagisa has a small pink flower and Rei has a small purple flower. I go to my kitchen and grab a round glass bowl, fill it with water, and I put the small flowers in their new home. I smile at them my anger fading faster and faster as I see my friends I give them both hugs and thank them, I know they feel bad and they know I've forgiven them so we don't say much. Rei's the first one to pull away, "Nagisa-kun we better hurry so that Makoto-senpai and Haruka-senpai s have time to talk to her." Nagisa nods then lets go. "bye guys." I wave and go place my picture and flowers on my night stand as I turn around. "Hi Makoto."

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