chapter 42

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Makoto's POV
'I can't believe they decided to skip.' I got into class as Ms.Ama-chan was calling role, and I could tell she was annoyed I walked to my seat not saying a word. After class Ms.Ama-chan came up to me, "Tachibana-kun why were you late? And where's Nanase-kun and (l/n)-chan?" Her voice was really frightening so I told her everything, she just nodded and told me to not let it happen again. Luckily for me it was almost time for lunch. Once the bell finally rang I made my way to the roof, preparing myself for the interrogation that I would have to suffer through for an entire lunch.

Gou's POV (or Kou however u guys wanna say it XD)

As Makoto-senpai walked onto the roof I saw that neither Haruka-senpai or (f/n) were  with him, and just as I was about to question him about it Nagisa sprang in.  "Mako-chan where's (f/n)-chan and Haru-chan? Did something happen to them? Did they get in trouble with a teacher? Did (f/n)-chan inherit Haru-chan's need for water and go swimming? Mako-chan say something!!!" Makoto-senpai started to laugh at all of Nagisa's questions, but in my opinion he looked like he really didn't want to talk about anything. "Nagisa-kun calm down a little." says Rei pushing up his glasses, in that moment I decided that Makoto-senpai and I needed to talk and fast cause I have two ships and I really want to know which ones gonna sail. "Makoto-senpai I need to talk to you, privately." I say looking up at him he nods and we go to the railing a little farther away from Nagisa and Rei, "What happened?" He looks frustrated but answers my question anyway. After he told me what happened he said, "I think Haru's gonna take today as an opportunity to take (f/n) away from me, I don't know what he's gonna do but I don't want them alone together; and I won't get to see either of them till practice today. Man I  was so stupid not to go with them." He sounded really frustrated, I had never seen him like this he was always someone who looked at the silver lining. "Makoto-senpai I think it's good that (f/n) and Haruka-senpai are doing this," he gave me a hurt look before I rushed in to continue my sentence, "I mean this is really good for (f/n) cause with this maybe she'll be able to choose." He gives me an understanding look then goes to eat his lunch with the rest of the tea. 'at least....I hope this helps her choose.' I then make my way back and enjoy my meal.

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