07. Sweet Creature

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Tilly woke up around 5 in the afternoon to Harry strumming on his guitar. It seemed like he was writing a song, but he kept repeating the same line.

"Sweet creature, sweet creature, wherever I go.. you bring me home."

Matilda wrapped the sheets around her body and slowly made her way to the bathroom connected to the bathroom where he was sitting on the floor with his guitar, pen and notebook.

Wow, he thought, she is so beautiful. "Hey Til, did I wake you? I'm sorry, dear." She shook her head, "No, you didn't wake me.. why are you on the bathroom floor?" She asked this as she tilted her head.

He chuckled and put his guitar aside as she sat on his lap, keeping the sheets over herself and now him too. "I came in here for the acoustics. The guitar and my voice bounce well off of the wall." He said and she nodded, "I agree, you sound great."

He smiled and placed a kiss to the top of her head. "Thank you." He said. She nodded and looked up at him. "So, where do we go from here?" She asked which caused him to tilt his head. "What do you mean?" He asked in return with a sly smile.

"Well, we slept together." Tilly said. "Yeah, no shit." Harry said causing Tilly to laugh and playfully push him.

"Harry, I'm serious. What does this mean for us?" She asked with a hint of worry evident in her voice. "Well," Harry started as he began stroking her hair, "for me, it further proves how much I really want to be with you. I want to be your boyfriend, honestly, Matilda."

Tilly was a little stunned upon hearing Harry's words. He, Harry fucking Styles, wanted to be with her? Her?! Her, Matilda Ryan, who wasn't even good at being a punching bag for her ex, wasn't good enough for her "friends", wasn't worth her mom staying with her dad, her? Her.

She stood up, still holding the bundles of sheets around her small body. "Oh, I don't know," She said, causing Harry to look up in confusion. "What? What do you mean?" He asked.

"What I mean is, you don't really mean that. And if, in some sick and twisted way you do, it will change. Give it a month tops, you'll change your mind. Everybody does."

Harry was devastated to hear that. Why would she say that? What did she mean by that?

"Matilda.. that is not true. I-'

He was interrupted by her walking up to him and kissing him. Once pulling away, a tear rolled down her cheek.

"I'm not right for you. I, in no way, fit the narrative your other girlfriends do. I am no Taylor Swift and I sure as hell ain't no model," Her southern drawl came out a bit in this statement, the North Carolina in her shining through. Though she hadn't lived in her home state since the age of fifteen, she certainly had not lost her accent.

Harry cupped her face with his hands and smiled. "That is what I find most attractive about you. The fact you are not like the other girls I've been with or even been around caught me and drew me in. I really like you, Matilda Ryan."

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Harry kissed her passionately and picked her up, holding her bridal style.

"Does that answer your question?"


Matilda walked into her dad's apartment and he smiled as he saw her come in. "Well, well, well... I haven't seen you in a while. Thank God for cellphones or I would have sent out a missing person's report," Tilly rolled her eyes and Her dad finished his statement, "How was your day?"

"Well," She started as she sat next to her dad and laid her head on his shoulder, "I'm dating Harry Styles."

"Shut the fuck up." Her dad said with a laugh and she shook her head with a smile. "I'm dead ass serious, watch this."

Tilly FaceTimed Harry and sure enough, he came on the screen.

"Hey, Harry?" She asked as her father watched the screen on her daughter's phone. "Hey, what's up?" He said as he got off of the treadmill he was on. He was in the hotel gym when she called.

"What am I to you?" She asked which caused him to tilt his head. "What do you mean," He asked, "Is this a trick question?"

"No!" She laughed and showed her dad sitting next to her. "What am I to you?"

"You're my girlfriend, Tilly Ryan."

After telling Harry bye and chatting a second with him, she hung up the phone and turned to her dad who was just sitting there with the most shocked look on his face. "Well?" Tilly said to which her dad responded, "My daughter is dating the most famous male pop star in the world."

Me when the power goes out at work during my 8 hour shift 🤦🏻‍♀️ sorry this was put up so late, i may try to update twice tomorrow to make up for it

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