32. Party Favor

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Matilda woke up February 1st already excited. Today was Harry's birthday. She so wished she could spend the day with her boyfriend but she knew he was with his family and that made her feel better. She also had a presentation at school today so she would be occupied with that.

She got up to brush her hair and teeth. She then decided to FaceTime Harry. When he answered, she squealed. "Happy birthday, Harry!" She yelled. He gasped at first then laughed, shaking his head.

"Thanks, dear." He said with a small smile. She frowned a little and tilted her head. "What's wrong?" She asked and he shook his head. "Just in the studio. I'm going out to eat with my mom and sister later but right now, I can't get what I need done and it's just very frustrating." He said.

"Why are you at the studio anyway? It's your birthday."

He sighed a bit. "Because, I wrote a song a couple of weeks ago that I really want to record." He said and Matilda sighed, looking at him. "But it's your birthday." She said. He sighed and shook his head.

"Matilda, I'm really not in the mood."

She shakes her head. "Fine, bye Harry. Talk to you later." She hangs up and throws her phone on the bed, rolling her eyes. She goes on and gets dressed, putting on a nice pant suit since she had a presentation today. Once she gets dressed, she goes to school.


Once she gets out of school and gets into her car, she sees that Harry sent a text telling her to call him when she can. She sighed a bit, calling him and he answered.

"Hey, baby."

"Hey Harry, what's up?" She asked. "I'm sorry for acting like that earlier I am just really stressed. I am getting ready for dinner with my parents and I was just thinking about you. I'm sorry again dear." He said.

She slowly nodded as she listened to him. "It's ok... did you at least get it recorded?" She asked.

"Yes, it's done. I think I have enough for the album too so I am very excited."

She smiles. "Oh, Harry, that's amazing. I am so proud of you." She said. "Thanks, babe... look, I have to leave now but I love you very much and I'll talk to you later, ok?" He said.

She nodded and once they got off the phone, she made her way home. Once she got home, she went to see her brother who was in his room. She knocked on his door and he answered. "Hey sissy." He said. She smiles.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go get something to eat with me, I was going to go to McDonald's."

He smiled a bit and nodded, getting up. "Yeah, let's go!" He said and got up from his bed. She giggled and walked with him to her car. They got in and headed out.

"So, how was school?"

Miles shrugged. "Eh, it's ok. Not too bad, but could be better." He said and she frowned. "Oh Bub, I'm sorry." She said. He shrugged again, looking at his sister. "It's ok, at least I have you and mom. I don't know what I would do without you guys." He said and Matilda teared up. She thought that was so sweet. She didn't know what she would do without him either.


Matilda and Miles were playing his playstation when Harry FaceTimed her. She answered and Miles smiled,

"Hi Harry, happy birthday."

Harry smiled at the little boy. "Thanks, kiddo. And hi." He said and Miles waved. Matilda smiled and looked at Harry. "Hey, honey. How was your birthday dinner?" She asked and he smiled lightly. "It was ok, I just wish you were there." He said.

"And me?!"

Harry laughed at Miles inserting himself into the conversation and nodded. "Yes, Miles, and you too." He said. Matilda grinned and looked at Harry since she had lost the game with Miles. "Aw, dear... When you come for Valentines, we'll have a second dinner for your birthday and Miles can tag along." She said.

Miles smiled big. "Really?!" He asked excitedly and Matilda nodded. "Yes, of course! How's that sound babe?" She asked and he nodded.

"Sounds great. I can't wait." He said. Miles turned off the game and came to sit with his sister. The three of them talked together for about an hour until Harry finally fell asleep on the phone. Matilda left him on the phone and went to bed herself, falling asleep next to Harry on the phone.

Matilda // A Harry Styles Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now