27. Penny Lane

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Matilda, Gracie, Harry and Billie were in the car. They were taking a trip to Liverpool together to see some Beatles landmarks. Matilda was a huge fan of the Beatles and so was Harry and the girls. They planned to stay the weekend up there and then take Matilda to the airport that Monday. 

On the way there, they listened to Beatles music. Billie and Matilda had the most fun listening to the music while Harry focused on driving the almost four hour drive to get there and Gracie read a book. They arrived at their hotel first on Saturday afternoon and got their bags in. After doing that, they decided to first go down to Abbey Road. 

"This is fucking insane." Matilda said, gazing at the famous crosswalk. There, surprisingly, wasn't any cars driving along there so they got an idea. They asked someone to take a picture of them recreating the famous Beatles album cover Abbey Road. 

Gracie walked in front as John, Billie walked behind her as Ringo, Harry took off his shoes and walked as Paul then Matilda walked last as George. The nice stranger took a great photo for them and once they got it, they laughed at how cute they looked. They knew that they would definitely have to get physical copies of this for them to keep as well. 

Later, they decided to go to a nearby restaurant for dinner. They sat down together and reminisced on their day that they spent at Abbey Road. Harry took a sip of his iced water then spoke, "One day, I'm going to make an album there. I don't know when, but I really hope it happens." 

Matilda placed her hand over his and nodded. "It will happen, I'm sure of it." She said which caused him to smile. Billie sighed happy and looked around the restaurant. "The atmosphere in this whole town is just swell. I want to move here one day. It has always been a dream of mine to move from London to here but I may just make it a reality one day." She said. Gracie smiled. "That's a great dream." She said, holding her girlfriend's hand. 


The next day, the couples paid a visit down to Penny Lane. Billie and Gracie went shopping in the shops down the strip while Harry and Matilda locked hands and skipped up and down the sidewalk together. This was a dream come true for her to see landmarks like this that she absolutely cared about with someone she loves. 


They had quit skipping and just walked down the road together and as Harry spoke softly, in almost a whisper, Matilda looked at him. "What's up?" She asked. 

"How would you feel if I said that I maybe want to go public with our relationship?" He asked her. Matilda went quiet for a minute then finally spoke up. "Well," she started, "How do you think that would affect our lives?" 

"I think things would definitely be very different. It would be more real too... but also pretty overwhelming because the whole world is going to know Matilda Ryan. You will be very popular, my dear." 

Matilda took a deep breath and looked at her boyfriend. "Can I have time to think about it?" She asked and he nodded. "Oh yes, of course." He said. She nodded and the girls met up with them. 

"We got some cute souvenirs." Billie said and Matilda smiled. "That's great! I want to go look around a little bit too. But first, can one of you take a picture of me and Harry by the Penny Lane sign?" She asked. 

They got their picture then went shopping around the gift shops. After getting some stuff, they went back to the hotel. Billie and Gracie went to their room and Harry and Matilda went to theirs. 

Matilda laid down on her stomach and looked at Harry who was laying and looking at his phone. "I think I'm ready." She said and Harry tilted his head. "For what?" He asked. "To go public." She said. Harry frowned and cupped her cheek. "You sure, baby? We definitely don't have to yet if you are not ready. I'll wait as long as you want." He said. 

She smiled at him and nodded. "Harry, I'm ready." She said. With her agreeing that she was ready, he posted the picture at Penny Lane they had took together and posted a caption along with it. 

'Here's to many more walks down the lane with you <3' 

Matilda had never heard her phone get so many notifications at one time. Everyone was liking and commenting on the Instagram post and she was receiving a ton of followers. She laughed and showed Harry her phone. He shook his head and kissed her head. 

"Welcome to my life, Tilly." 

Matilda // A Harry Styles Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now