33. City Of Stars

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Matilda woke up the next morning. Surprisingly, Harry was still on the phone with her. He did that sometimes when he didn't want to hang up with her, he would just keep her on the phone as he went on about his day. Today he was in the studio when she woke up. He was mixing some stuff and when he noticed she was awake, he smiled big. 

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Tilly bug." 

She playfully flipped him off when he called her by the nickname her mom has for her. She then sat up and looked at him in her phone. "Hey, Harry. What're you up to over there?" She asked. "Just getting some sound stuff worked out on one of these songs." He said. She nodded and asked, "Which one?" 


She grins. "I really like that one." She said and he smiled, winking at her. "I know." He said. She giggled then heard a knock at her door. Miles came in. "Good morning, sissy. Oh, hi again Harry." Her brother said since he had just talked to Harry the night before. Harry smiled and waved at the little boy. "Hey, kiddo." He said. 

Matilda looked at her little brother. "What's up, little dude?" She asked and he now smiled sweetly, sitting on his older sister's bed. "Can we go get something to eat? It is lunch time now and I really want Taco Bell." He said. Matilda frowned and looked at the time. She didn't realize she had slept all morning. 

"Um... sure. Just give me about another hour ok? I need time to wake up and I want to talk to Harry a little bit." 

Miles nodded. "Ok, thanks sissy. I'm going to go play my playstation, I'll see you later Harry." He said and Harry nodded. "Bye, Miles." He said. Miles left Matilda's room and Harry smiled at his girlfriend. "I love that little boy... he is so sweet and doesn't deserve the bullshit he has been going through lately." He said. 

Matilda nodded. "Oh, I one hundred percent agree. I wish I could take away every bad thing he is going through." Matilda said with a small sigh. Harry then smiled a bit and looked at his girlfriend. "Ok, baby, I'm going to play this sample and you be honest if you like it or not, ok?" He asked and she nodded. He played the piece of the recording they were working on. Once it was over, he looked to Matilda. 


Matilda nodded. "I really, really like it. Especially the guitar and your voice sounds like heaven." She said with a small smile. He grinned and nodded. "Thanks, angel." He said then nodded at his producer to start working on the next part of the song. 


After getting home from lunch with her brother, Matilda went up to her room. She was going to get some writing done. She has a journal that she likes writing short stories in and here lately, she hadn't had the time to do it so she thought now was the time. 

She went to her desk and decided to write a short story based on Central Park. New York is one of her favorite topics to cover when she writes. She also likes basing stories in her home state of North Carolina. She wrote for a couple of hours until she got a phone call from Poppy. 


"Hey, Til! I was wondering if you wanted to go to see this new movie that came out yesterday with me? It's called La La Land." Poppy said and Matilda gasped. "Um, yes?! I have been dying to see that movie since I saw the trailer for it." She said. "Great! I'll meet you at the theater in two hours." She said and got off the phone with Matilda. 


Matilda arrived and saw her friend Poppy. Poppy ran over to her and hugged her. "I am so excited to see this movie." She said and Matilda nodded. "Me too. Are you ready?" She asked and Poppy nodded. "Definitely." She said. 

The girls went in and saw the movie and they, of course, loved it. When they got out of the theater, they actually went back in and bought tickets for the second showing. After seeing that last showing for the night, Matilda went on home. 

When she got home and dressed for bed, she sent Harry a FaceTime call. She figured he would be asleep but to her surprise, he answered. She had a big smile on her face and he laughed. "What's up with you, Tilly girl?" He asked. 

"I just saw La La Land and it was the best movie I have ever seen." 

Harry pouted. "Damn, Tilly, I wanted to see that with you when I came to town." He said. Matilda smiled. "I'll definitely go see it again with you, babe. It was so good, me and my friend watched it twice tonight. I'm in love with it." She said. 

"I've heard the song from the movie, City of Stars? That's what made me want to take you." 

Matilda blushed. "Yeah, I love that song." She said and he smiled. 

"Look, angel, I'm going to go to sleep, ok? I love you so much and will talk to you tomorrow." Harry said. Matilda nodded. "Ok, babe. I love you too and I'll talk to you tomorrow." She said. They still stayed on the phone but Harry put himself on mute so he could go to sleep. Matilda watched him for a few minutes then went on to sleep herself. 

Matilda // A Harry Styles Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now