08. What About Us.

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The last week Tilly was in England was spent with Harry. They went on a few more dates, hung out, and made the most of the time they had together without any thought towards the upcoming day where Tilly would have to go back to New York to school.

Sure enough, it was the day before she had to leave. Her last day in England. She woke up to Gracie sitting on the end of her bed, watching her while she slept. She jumped.

"Fuck, Grace."

Grace laughed a bit and stood up. "Sorry, good morning." She said. Tilly rubbed her eyes and sighed a bit.

She could not believe today was her last full day in England. She then thought to her boyfriend, Harry. What would happen to them? Was this just a short affair, or would they try long distance? She had no idea how Harry felt, but she needed to find out.

"What time is it?" Tilly asked as she sat up, now grabbing her phone. It was 10 am. Great, she thought, I slept away most of my morning.

Gracie smiled. "Want to go out for brunch?" She asked. Tilly nodded, "Sure. Afterwards, can you drop me off at Harry's hotel?"

After Matilda goes back home, Harry has a fashion show he is going to attend then he will go back to his home in Manchester.

After Tilly got ready, they headed out to brunch. As she was driving, Gracie decided to ask Tilly about her future plans with Harry. "So," Gracie asked, "What are you two going to do?"

Tilly sighed at the question her friend had asked since she, herself, didn't even know the answer. "Honestly, Grace," she started, "I don't even know." Gracie frowned. "Well, do you want to make it work with him?" She asked.

"Well yeah, of course I do, I'm just nervous because I don't know if he wants the same. What if he's only seeing this as a wild fling, you know?"

Gracie sighed. She didn't know how she could help her best friend. She had no idea how things like that worked, especially with someone famous. All she knew, was she was so glad she didn't like men.


After brunch with Gracie, Matilda was standing outside of Harry's door. She texted him while at brunch to let him know she was coming and now, here she was.

Harry opened the door and smiled at his new girlfriend of only a week which, to him, felt like a lifetime. He allowed her into his hotel and she sat on the couch. He could tell she had a troubled mind today. As if she had something conflicting her in her mind. Like she needed to talk to him about a heavy subject and he knew what is was, he was sure.

"I go back to New York tomorrow." She said matter of factly. He nodded. "Yeah, I know. I'm going to miss you."

"What about us?"

"What about us?"

Tilly sighed a bit. "Are we going to try to make this work long distance? Or was this just..." She didn't even finish her thought as Harry sat next to her, taking her hand.

"I really, really want to keep this," He said, motioning between the two, "I really like you and I want to work as hard as I can to keep our relationship."

Matilda sat up a bit, she had really hoped he would want to try to make it work, but she didn't expect him to be that serious about it. She nodded at him as a smile crept upon her once very worried face. "I want the same thing. I am so glad we are on the same page about this." She said.


After they watched a movie, Tilly yawned as she leaned over her boyfriend to get her phone. She saw it was late and sighed. Then, as if on cue, Gracie texted that she was outside ready to take her home.

Tilly sat up and Harry frowned a bit. "Time to go?" He asked and she nodded. "Sadly. You're going to be at the airport in the morning, right?" She asked and he nodded. "Of course I will be, darling. It will be ok, we will hopefully see each other soon enough. We can do this." He said and that reassured her. He always knew how to make her feel better.

She stood up and grabbed her coat. Harry met her at the door and kissed her cheek. "Bye, Til. I'll see you in the morning." He said and she nodded slowly before walking out of the room, closing the door behind herself.

That broke his heart. He knows she is very nervous about them trying to pursue a long distance relationship. He also knows about the situation she is going back into. He just hope nothing bad happens, he would hate to have to take a trip to New York to kick someone's ass.

Matilda gets into Gracie's car and Gracie smiles. "I'm glad everything went well." She said, Tilly had texted her to let her know they were going to be long distance.

Tilly nodded and sat back into her seat. Gracie started driving. "What's wrong?" She asked as Tilly glanced over at her. "I don't know," Tilly started, "I just don't want to go back. I have no friends to go back to, it's going to be miserable. My real friends and family is right here." She said.

"Oh, Til. Just think of your brother, you know he needs you. And your mom, she will be happy to see you. Also, you need to get that degree, babes. You only have to more years after this year then you will be done. And if you would like to move here afterwards, you know you always have a home with your dad. And shit, me too."

Tilly smiled a bit at her friend's statement. "Thanks, Grace. I really need that. Right now I'm having such an internal conflict, like it's not even funny. Harry just complicates things too because now I have him to think about. And I also want to stay with him too."

Gracie nodded. She understood that, Harry was just another reason why she would want to stay. With chatter about the future, the girls drove back to Matilda's dad's house where they would try to get some sleep before sending Tilly back to New York tomorrow.

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