Classmate 2

132 3 2

Ame Pov

Russia walked next to me on the way to school. It was silent. None of us really knew what to say without offending eachother. Soon, I decided to speak.

"Russia, are you mad that you made that promise?" I see him slow down. "I don't know." He pulled out earbuds and continued walking. I guess we won't we talking much.

I hear him mumble some thing as we approached our school. And when I turn I can see that he's nervous. He looks tense and he start biting at the side of his mouth while digging his nails into his arms.

"You ok?" I knew the answer but It didn't hurt to ask. " Yeah I'll be fine." Next thing I know is he vanished. I expected it but it still hurt for some reason.

I make my way through the halls a smile on my face. I see Japan chatting with Germany both of them laughing. "Hey Germany! Hey Japan!" I make my way over as they turn around.

"Ame-kun!" Japan chirped giving me a hug. Germany smiled but didn't say much ,he looked reddish. "You good Germ?"

Japan cut in "He's in looooove!~" I snicker. "Who is gonna get lucky?" I immeaditly get punched in the arm. "He likes Poland!"

"Aww-" "Briiiing" Japan pouts as the bell echoes in our ears. "See ya at lunch!" I yell before heading to class. As I walk by Russia passes heading towards the same class as I did.

"Oh, you're in my class!" I speed up to meet with him. "Hm...I guess so." He said glancing at the paper. "Wanna sit together?" I expected a no I mean Russia was known for being cold and cut off.

"Yeah that's fine." He gave a quick smile before sitting in the back corner, leaving one open seat for me and no empty seat on the other side. "You really aren't a people person are you?" I see him nod before grabbing a notebook and sketching something.

I never knew he did anything with art. He always seemed like he was a sporty person. He was hella fit but not all muscle he was tall not like sky scraper but definetly tall.

Funny thing though, I've never seen his eyes. He's never looked someone in the eye. I would imagine his eyes are vibrant but I'm not sure. My eyes are weird one blue one aqua color.

I decide to doze off until the teacher comes in. " Hello students, my name is- AMERICA STOP DAYDREAMING!" I focus and at the frontof the room is my father. Russia glances at him but when my father goes to glace Russia stares at the paper instead.

"To start it off, My name Is Great Britain, I will be your teacher from now on. And to make any projects easier, who ever you are seated next to will be your partner for the school year." My father glances around.

"It is an odd number of students, can we have a volunteer to sit near America, and Russia please." He asked. If someone didn't volunteer he would pick someone himself.

" I'll sit with them." Russia looks startled for a minute and I stare at where the voice came from. A few kids whisper and I see Russia slouch down as they sit in front of him.

"I'm North Korea, It's a pleasure to meet you both, but mainly Soviet's kid" he looked at Russia and almost seemed to analyze him. Like a predator does to prey.

"Nice to meet you too stop staring at Russia like that you're gonna give him trust issues. " I snap in front of him. Russia buries his head into his arms. I notice the sketchbook is gone.

"I'm figuring out who I'm working with, jeez America you need to relax." North smirked, before trailing his hand along Russia's arm.

Russia flinched back. Relaxing was the last thing Russia and I were planning to do for the year.

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