Tutor 15

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I was sitting with Meri at lunch when North made his way over. I sighed, reaching for my headphones. "Hey Russ, don't forget what UN said! Also my house after school." He quickly walked away.

America looked at me confused and it felt like I was gonna choke. "UN is mad that I attacked the 3 and supposedly without reason since I had no proof. The deal was I'd help him with grades for two weeks." I mumble burying my head into my arms.

He mumbles something before groaning in annoyance. I glance at the plate of food and it suddenly seemed unappealing. I shove the plate away. Meri leaned on my shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay." He whispers in my ear. I really wish he wouldn't lie to me. " yo and I both know thats not true." I sit up and he sighs. The bell rings and students start packing up and America leaves.

-time skip after school-

I sat at the front of the school Germany offered to pick up Bela so I could get this over with. I glance up and North is standing above me arms crossed. "Where were you?" He looks annoyed.

"Here, for the past 20 minutes." I snap back. He smirked, leaning down. "Don't talk to me like that, thats not very nice~" he put his hand on my shoulder and I swatted it away.

"I don't give a damn, lets get this tutoring thing over with I'm already sick of you." I really hoped I wasn't gonna regret snapping at him. He pulled me up and kissed me quickly before dragging me along. I spat at the ground and forced my hand away.

"Don't grab me I can walk just fine." I mumble and he turned and smirked. "Not for long!" He continued walking and I trudged behind him.

My stomach was flipping and I wanted to get away quickly. We stopped at a gate and he typed a code before opening the door. "You first." He said annoyed.

I walk through and he guides me down a street. China was chatting with south korea outside. North sped up. "Hey!" He called out to the two. I stayed where I was as he jumped into a long discussion.

I only had to stay for an hour. He wasted 20 minutes and another 10 to get here. I had to make it thirty minutes. The discussion would hopefully last till then.

My luck was ruined as soon as South Korea waved to me. I looked at her annoyed. And North yanked me over. "Russia and I gotta work on math, see you both in a bit!" He glared at me before smiling at the others.

He led me to his room. It was different from a few years before. Then I saw the resemblance. The dream I had a few days ago, that was his new room. I started cracking my knuckles to calm down.

"Just sit down." North said holding a shitload of papers. "Relax I'm not gonna fuck you In my own house the walls are to thin." He casually sat down next to me throwing the papers.

I wanted to vomit. "Whatever just back up." I inched away and he got closer. "Or what?" He was an inch away from me and I felt tense. He grabbed my shirt collar pulling me into him.

He roughly kissed me. The kiss felt like poison. I shoved him off. "Just stop please, this is a pain in the ass to deal with you." I move away and he just laughs.

"As If you can tell me what to do." He said pulling me over again this time without kissing me and he grabbed a pen. "Believe me getting to be close to you is amazing, but I need the homework help so I'll offer a deal." He leaned over, grabbing the papers.

What the fuck could he possibly want now? "Fine go on." I notice him casually flipping through the textbook muttering something.

"Look, I know you hate me, I don't blame you but I can't exactly let you go." He sighed, sliding the textbook over. The chaper had a sticky note with a reminder to work on. "I'll leave you alone during the two weeks. But In return you tell nobody whats happened. As well as if I want you, I want no complaining."

He looked me dead in the eye and smiled. What the fuck? "How the hell is that fair, we ended this shit months ago and leaving me alone for two weeks is barely any peace. And plus you having access to me after whenever you want just doesn't make sense!" I slam the book down next to his leg and he flinched.

"I won't annoy you about it everyday." He said, grabbing the book. He looked at me for a second before sighing. "Fine, I'll leave the relationship thing alone I'll stop fucking around with you and I won't touch you. As long as you stay my personal tutor till exams and we can go back to being friends." He smiled, it didn't seem dishonest this time.

I glances at his hands. No fingers were crossed. There had to be some other catch. "What is the motive for fixing whatever this is?" I snap he just looks at me and dramatically sighs.

"I miss you." He said, reaching towards my arm. I pull it away. He had to be kidding after the shit he's done? "I don't think you realized just how bad you've hurt me. However If you can prove you actually want to fix this then I'll accept the deal." I watched as his face lit up.

"Great! Lets start with Algebra!"

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