Regret 13

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I was exhausted. America and I had a fight which we forgave eachother for. Something was odd though. Bela was quieter than normal It could've been the shock of getting grabbed but it still was odd.

America was sipping on the hot chocolate I made as he scrolled through his phone. It was as if the event that happened a few hours ago never did.

I take a sip of the warm drink when my father ran into the livingroom trying to find something. "Dad what's wrong?" Bela finally spoke.

"UN heard about the magic flare. He's coming over to have a chat and this house is a mess." He mumbled, grabbing some board games and putting them on the shelf.

I got up, placing the cup down and walked closer to help. "How did he know?" I grabbed a blanket from the couch and began folding it.

Bela and Meri got the hint and helped out with the cleaning. "He said North came by claiming you attacked him." He sighed. I went quiet.

"I did attack him, with a reason." I mumbled. "Tell him that then, and India,China, and North are coming over with UN." He looked at me and I noticed he seemed to exhausted to fight with anyone.

"What if UN doesn't believe me?" I glance down seeing a small spider on my sweatpants. I sigh and pick it up. My father hadn't responded so I just kept quiet. Meri waved goodbye as he left quickly.

-time skip-

The house was clean and by the time my father sat down there was a knock at the door. He groaned in annoyance before getting up to answer.

North and UN walked in. "Greetings Soviet Union." He held his hand out and dad shook it. North Korea looked at me and smirked. Something told me he already won.

"Your son attacked these three without reason, why?" UN glared at me and I started cracking my knuckles. "It was with reason, they put their disgusting hands on my sister." I snapped and North looked annoyed.

"Where is your proof Russia Moscow?" UN said sternly. I paused. It was those three against my word. I looked at Bela and she showed that her bruise healed. I had nothing.

"I don't have any..." I mumble and my father looked at me, he could tell something was off. He sighed annoyed. "Is that all? Am I disciplining him myself or do you have something?" He glared at the four across from us.

"North Korea needs a math tutor, Russia is to help him for one month until North Korea's grades go up." UN said eyeing me. "I'll take a death sentence instead." I sit up trying to keep my nerves down.

"Why?" UN leaned down eye level to me. I debated talking about the bathroom issue but I couldn't prove anything. "....I can't help someone who's a lost cause." North glared at me as soon as the words left my tongue.

I fucked up and he made sure I knew it. "Make it two months" He smirked and I felt my heart pound. Bela shot up. "That bastard is smirking and thinks this is a game he thinks putting his hands on this family is a game."

North's face changed quickly before UN turned. "Soviet, lets discuss this elsewhere." My father sighed before rubbing my back and leaving.

North sat down next to me and my body froze up. Bela looked up at me and I tucked her close as North whispered the one thing I dreaded. "You start tomorrow, I can't wait." He got up as dad and UN returned.

"I convinced him to lessen it to 2 weeks thats All I could do." Father shut the door after they left. I sigh slightly relieved. "I can make it 2 weeks." In reality I just hoped we wouldn't be alone.

Bela looked annoyed as she stomped off mumbling about how this wasn't fair. I can't blame her, it wasn't fair and I wish I had some kind of proof to back it up.

The one thing about North Korea that I've noticed is he makes sure to win. Its almost impossible to tell the truth. He's dangerous and he's hurt me more than anyone else has.

"Dad I'm going out!" I grabbed the keys off the counter and my wallet. My phone was thankfully in my pocket so I could just walk out. "Mhmn, take care." He slumped into the couch.

As soon as I got outside I went to the lake near the park. I figured I might as well test out the extent of the magic. Maybe it could help create another barrier between North Korea and I.

I brought my hand out and pain shot through my entire body I sumbled forward and glanced up as a pale blue sheet was in front of me. It was stunning.

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