Sleepover 9

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A/n I'm gonna put pictures of the character's pov rather than saying rus pov and all so heads up.

I watched as America left the kitchen. I finished cleaning up the dishes when Nazi came downstairs. "Sorry your father had this in his office and forgot to bring it down." He set the cup down calmly.

I glance up and He looks unsteady. "You okay? You seem off balance." He shrugged me off and left. I sighed and began cleaning up again and once I was done I went upstairs.

America was singing karaoke with Bela and both went silent when I walked in. "Chill out you guys can sing around me I won't shut you up, also Meri do you have extra clothes for bed?" I watch as he shakes his head.

"Use mine then and I'll wash your out door clothes. If you wanna shower it's down the attic stairs on the right." I said grabbing a hoodie and sweatpants.

He nodded and smiled before he walked off with the clothes, I threw a towel on his head as he laughed.

"Brother, do you like him?" Bela's voice sounded innocent and curious. "Uhm no, It's just that we're friends. Is it coming off that I like him is that why?" I turn she nods.

I sigh. I guess if i care about someone other than family I like them. That would explain the weird feeling. That would explain a lot now that I think of it.

Soon Meri walked out in the clothes setting his in a folded pile, which Bela immeaditly brought to the washer and dryer.

He brushed his still damp hair out of his face and looked at me. His glasses weren't on. One dark blue eye and another a soft seafoam color. "One, where are your glasses and two your eyes are hella cool." I said calmly.

He paused, running to the bathroom and grabbing them. "Thanks but I don't like them much." He glanced down and I walked over. I calmly took the glasses off, setting them on my desk.

He looked panicked for a sec before looking at me. "Why did you take them?" He seemed slightly agitated. "I don't care if you wear them outside and at school, but I think your eyes are amazing, you make me jealous of mine, untill you learn to love yourself, you can't wear them in my room." I said.

He blushed a bit before nodding. When Bela came back she stopped. Her jaw dropped. "Nobody told me had such beautiful eyes!" She squealed running closer.

Meri was horribly flustered. I wasn't helping when I started snickering. It took a bit but it was time to get to bed. Ukraine came up and took Bela to her room.

I shut the door and flopped on my bed Meri leaning next to me. "What's your opinion of relationships?" He asked. "I'm not exactly comfortable with them but they're alright as long as both sides care about eachother. Why are you asking?"

America looked at me curiosity in his eyes. "Have you ever been in one yourself?" I wasn't expecting him to ask. The problem with North Korea was the reason I stayed away from relationships.

Meri looked at me, he appeared to be expecting an answer. "Yeah, kind of, I wasn't in it for long. Things got too aggressive and I would've gotten hurt if I stayed." Ameriva nodded quietly before blurting out."IS North Korea your ex?"

"U-uh no..." I tried but America showed no signs of believing me. "Just ignore it." I mumble. Meri didn't want to. "Is it North Korea? Russia, I'm asking a question I want the answer to." He grabbed my arm.

Memories flooded back, nightmares, North Korea almost killing me once. It hit me like a harsh wave and I couldn't breath. America looked panicked and let go.

"Russia are you okay? Do you want help?" He tried to bring comfort that wasn't helping.

"No I'm not okay, No I don't need your help." I tried to breath but it hurt so bad.

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