The End

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Alrighty you guys This story is complete! I'm proud of myself for completing this and am grateful for you little shits that stayed and read it. I realised i didn't add much Japan so in honor of My sibling who's favorite countryhuman is Japan I added a lil more.

Thank you guys very much and I'll hopefully see tou guys reading my next book Scrapyard as I slowly update that thank you again and I'm excited about finishing this story even while fighting my writing block and reading the few comments that popped up on this story.

You guys are the best and heres a list of this I hope you learned from this.
-ALWAYS ask for consent
-Take care of the people you care about you never know when they may leave you.
-DON'T do drugs, irresponsibly have sex , self harm etc
-you are my little shits get over it.
-not everyone has an amazing family that's life but it's always a good Idea to cherish what you have and hey make friends that help expand your family.
-Not everything is easy you will have to work for what you want and even then you may not get it be strong you'll make it.
-last but not least Soldier on through all the pain ( of course take breaks to recover but DON'T. GIVE. UP)
Again thankyou my little shits🖤💜🖤💜🖤

To swear by the Hammer and SickleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz