Hangout 8

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Russia went up to his room and I followed. He dropped on his bed and i grabbed the desk chair and sat down. I saw the guitar leaning against the bed. It almost begged to be played, one problem, I'm shit at instruments.

"You good?" He snapped his fingers in front of me. "Huh?!" I flinch. He snickers, leaning back again. "Need something?" He asked.

"Uhhh, can you play guitar?" I mumble, I doubt he'll do it. It's a personal thing. I pause as I hear a few notes getting strummed.

I recognized the song pretty easily and started singing along. He smiled but never joined in. After a few seconds went by Bela had come up the stairs giggling.

She started singing along. I heard Russia laugh quietly as Bela leaned on my shoulder. Soon it ended and Bella was giggling and clapping.

Russia smiled as she ran up to sit with him and patting the spot next to her gesturing for me to sit with them. "Your voice is great." Russia said, setting the Guitar aside.

"Thank you, you're good at guitar!" It was hard not to smile at the compliment. Bela nodded then left quickly. A few hours later I was sitting at the table with Russia's family.

"Soooo Russia-" Nazi was cut off as Russia glared. "So Russia what?" Soviet glared at the two. "As you can see America is here with us, aren't you curious?" Nazi asked, as Russia groaned.

"Are they dating? Are they friends? Is it a project? I don't know, how about they chose to hang out rather than only hang out at school." Soviet yawned sarcasm was clear.

I snickered, as Russia had a victory plastered on his face. Soviet calmly got up, grabbing his plate. "I'm going to head to bed, Russia, If you have another panic attack I will force you to sleep again." He look Russia in the eye.

"Sorry..."he mumbled, ducking his head. Soviet walkes over, taking off Russia's Ushanka and ruffled his hair. "It's fine." Nazi got up soon after Germany.

Ukraine was staring at me before snickering. "I'm dating your brother, I just reconized you." She said before getting up.

Russia's head shot up. "When?!" He asked confused. "A few days ago, and don't worry he treats me nicely." She smiles heading to her room.

"Hm, I could've sworn she said she wasn't with anyone yesterday." Russia said seeming to shuffle through his head.

"I wouldn't worry too much Canada will love her and treat her respectfully." I nudge him and he nods. "I'd hope so, he seemed nice, I hope thats not a mask." He mumbled.

I feel my phone buzz.

Mom: darling, Are you coming back or spending the night at your friend's house.

Ame: uh, hold up.

"Hey uh not forcing you but, am I staying over or heading off?" I ask, fidgeting.

"Yeah you can stay over, you're gonna stay in my room though or else you'll give Bela a scare sitting on the couch." He said grabbing my empty plate and his, walking to the sink and putting everything in it.

Ame: yeah I'm gonna stay over

Mom: okay darling stay safe love you!

Ame: you too.

Russia washed dishes as I walk in. "House wife?" I snicker. "Yes, they keep me in the kitchen cause thats where the knives are, what do you want dumbass?" He sighed, putting a knife away.

"Just saying hi." I say, moving the dirty dishes closer. He mumbled a thank you as he loaded them in the dishwasher.

"Sooo is there another bed for me to use or are we sharing?" I ask, I didnt see one up there before. "If you want a seprate air matress or something I'll get it, otherwise we can share, just don't make it horribly weird." He said.

" Alright thanks!" I saw him smile for second before returning normal. I think I'm wearing off on him. It's that or he might like me...

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