Phone call 4

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I was on my way home, walking with Canada. Russia had gone home early. Maybe he called his father. I feel worried that I left him alone in that state.

I remember Canada having his sister's number. "Hey Maple?" I ask and he glanced back. "Yeah Ame?" I pause for a second debating my decision.

"Can you ask Ukraine for Russia's number ?" I said, rubbing my arm. Canada texted someone before responding with "***_****_***" I nod adding the number.

"So why do you need the number?" Canada asked as we entered the house. "Well we became friends-" " your joking?" Canada cut me off.

I sigh and head upstairs. I should text him, But what do I text him about? It took me a good 30 minutes to decide on calling him.

Hopefully he picks up.

"Hello who is this- BELA PUT THE KNIFE DOWN!" I heard Russia's voice as a manical laugh comes from who I suppose is Bela. "Sorry, but who are you?" He managed to sigh as I hear a Knife set on the counter.

"It's America, I got your number from Canada, I wanted to see if you were okay." I hesitate I wanted to talk more but I had no Idea what to talk about.

"Yeah, I'm fine, is that all? Or is there something else?" He questioned, I heard a door slam shut. "Is this a bad time? I can go-" "No I was just shutting my door so I can actually hear you." He said I heard him flop onto what I guess was his bed.

"I kinda just wanted to talk in general. But can I video call you ?" I mumble, leaning on my chair. "Hm, sure I guess?" I wait as he turns on the camera.

He was in a black shirt and black sweatpants, sitting at his desk. "Soooo, watcha drawing now?" I ask setting the phone up to get comfy.

"A dragon" he yawns a bit. And goes back to sketching. He glances up and snickers. "You're comfy?" He smiled. I feel my face heat up. "Yeah, I'm kinda just bundled in stuffed animals."

He glanced up for another sec before putting his sketchbook away. He then got up and grabbed a black teddy bear. "This is the only one I've got." He said, placing it in his lap.

"Oh, I got a bunch some are bears and the others are dogs or cats.!" I smile, I never thought I'd see him with a teddy bear and it was adorable.

We spent the next hour chatting. He showed me a few sketches and I showed him all my stuffed animals. But one thing caught my attention. "YOU HAVE A DRUM SET AND GUITAR!?" I yelp he paused and looked.

"Yeah! I have a piano downstairs. It was a gift for my dad from Britain. It was a truce gift" he said. He walked over to his bed and flopped on it.

"Hey um whats on your neck?" I ask. It looked like a hickey but he didn't date anyone. He paused he looked dead for a minute before telling me to ignore it.

My father knocks on my door telling me dinner will be done soon. "Bye Meri, I'm gonna hop off and help dad with dinner." I smile and wave goodbye. Then he hung up.

For some reason it hurt. I wanted to talk more. And I was worried about the mark that he told me to ignore. My father was setting the table and mom was serving plates as Aussie, kiwi, and Canada helped.

"Mom, can I ask you about something?" She nodded as everyone sat down. "Yes darling?" She whispers. "What does it mean if I feel hurt when I don't talk to someone, why am I concerned for him.? And is it me thats just confused, because I think I might be Gay but I don't wanna dissapoint dad!" I ramble.

"Honey our son is gay" France said. "He loves Russia doesn't he?"

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