Fuck. 26

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I had him in my arms. He was asleep by now but still he looked so peaceful. We still had about 45 minutes left. No teacher was here, weird. I hear the door open and Britain walks in.

"Oh you actually came?" He looked confused. " Yeah, It's not like I'll do this often, so why not go once deal with it and go home?" I sigh as Britain nods at my response.

"So, you know the Issue with Ukraine and Canada right?" He quizzed looking at me. " Yeah they fucked up and Now Ukraine is on her own along with Canada to raise the kid if they wanna keep it." I groan. I swear she should just listen to me sometimes she'd be in less trouble.

"Ah wonderful, you have a breif. Now, here's the rules for you and My son,-" "I'd reccomend waiting for America to wake up too if you are gonna lecture us." I watch as Britain's face became annoyed. Not my fault. He should've just waited.

"Wake him up then." He groaned hand facepalming. I shake Meri a bit and he slowley wakes up again. "Now! Here's the rules for me if you wish to date my son. Their will be no emotional minipulation, you will respect boundaries and blahblahblah." Britian went on a long list.

It was all common sense to me just summarized in a few words.....Take care of him. Why was their a need for such a long list? I feel Meri yawn leaning against me. I rub his arms trying not to fall asleep.

"Got it?" Britain said suddenly. "Mhmn." I respond quickly at he looks at me. "Then tell me what I said" He crossed his legs. "Want the main point or for me to quote you word for word?" I watch as he adjusts his monicle. "Summary." He snapped. "Take care of him." I watch as Britain's face light up. "Correct!"

America buries his head into my neck and collarbone. It feels strange. After a few minutes that felt like forever we could leave. Britain allowed America to stay over again and warned us not to be late tomorrow.

"Soooo enjoy the lecture Ruski?" I heard the teasing in Meri's voice. "It was common sense to me, but no I do not enjoy being lectured." I respond, holding his hand as we walked. He laughed and my legs wobbled. God it was such a pretty laugh. It was also not the laugh he normally has.

Once I stepped through the doors Nazi was adjusting his sleeves. I notice the medical scrubs. Oh, he got the job. Germany should be next then. Nazi smiled as he noticed us. "Eveining tou two, Soviet made dinner already, he's in his office swing by and say hi. I gotta go love you son." He kissed my head before grabbing his bags and leaving.

Wait. He called me son. And he promised himself he wouldn't. I snicker slightly. Love you too father. I pul America towards the kitchen as we dropped our stuff at the front. I stare at the food And two chiken Keivs were sitting on plates with green beans and some rice. I grabbed the plates, setting them down and getting Meri and I water.

He was happily eating, whispering a thank you as I set the water down. We finished after a bit and we went upstairs. I swung by dad's office and knocked. "Who is it?" Dad's voice responded.

"It's me-" "come inside." Weird he never cuts me off like that. I stepped through the doorway and dad is leaning back in his chair, his golden sickle was on the desk and his hammer was by his seat. This isn't good.

"What's wrong?" I grab a nearby stool and sit down. "You're Grandfather has decided he will show up tomorrow and stay TILL your birthday." He slammed the desk and I flinched. Seriously? "Dad, I'm not dealing with him for two months." I grumble earning a glare.

" Tell that to him then, tell him you don't want him here." He snapped handing me the phone. I realized the phone was on speaker. Shit. "Хочешь повторить, что ты кусок дерьма?" (Care to repeat that you peice of shit?)The voice from the phone responded.

I gulped, taking the Phone as dad rubbed my back and left. "Простите, сэр"(sorry sir) I whisper. "Ты мертв, когда я доберусь туда" (You're dead when I get there.) Venom in his words as he hung up.

"Ебать" (fuck)

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