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A/N -costumes
Russia- assassin
America- soldier
Bela- fallen angel
Aussie- devil
Kiwi/zea- angel.
Germany- doesn't dress up nor do parents.

I pulled the mask up as the door rang. Bela, In a dark angel ran into the door. "They're here!!!" She yells. Dad smiled as she was cackling. Maybe she should've been a witch. He opened the door and Meri was there dressed like a soldier.

No suprise. I walked downstairs as Meri glanced up. "Who's bout to die?" He smirked. "Any flirty remarks and it'll be you." I respond adjusting the boots.

France and Britain were standing there. Thankfully the plan was simple. Parents stay home Germany complains and stays home and Meri and I take the kids out. "I thought there was an actual assassin for a second there." Britian chuckled.

I shrug it off. Halloween was fun I could be whatever an nobody would shame you for hiding anything. America pulled out handcuffs. "I know police have em but I was hoping to use them." He looked me in the eye winking.

"Oh, mom, dad, I'm ga-" "We know." France interrupted as Britain smiles. "You've told us before that you were gay for that gentleman over there." He gestured to me. Hm good to know. "Well we are together anyway it would be dissapointing if you liked someone else." I yawned as Bela hugs my leg.

"Well, lets go, come on also don't even think about the handcuff thing." I glare at America as he smiles at me. Bela, Aussie, and Zealand grabbed their bags and left. Once we all make it outside into the chilly night air. There was a pretty full moon out. Peaceful aside from children screaming from a jumpscare.

America grabbed my hand. "Come on Darling~ Let's enjoy it alright, don't be so tense tonight mk?" He whispers while kissing my cheek. I nod, wrapping my arm around him.

After a few minutes Bela's bag was stuffed along with the others. "Brotherrr can I eat some!?" Bela jabbed my side causing me to release America. "Ow, not if you stab me. Go ahead I guess which one." I mumble rubbing my side. God she's stabby.

America was checking his siblings candy taking a few skittle packets for himself. I felt Bela drop something into my hand. I glance down looking to make sure it was unopened and nothing weird about it.

I handed it back as I heard some kind of bang. A group of kids dressed as horror movie characters teasing a few younger kids. One of them had a prop gun that just slammed to peices together to make that sound.

Bela looked pissed and America paused. "You may have to chase her." He said as she ran at the group of older kids. "BEL SHIT." I ran towards her grabbing her arm and pulling her back. They already focused their attention on us as the othe younger kids ran.

"Bel seriously?!" I hiss as one of the kids laughed. "An assassin and an angel how cute the little one might make her trip up there soon." They tease. I pull her behind me. She snaps back and I wish I could vanish. "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A CYKA HUH!?" She yelled and that caused them to look up at me.

"Cyka? Are you by any chance Russian?" The one dressed as Ghostface leaned down to were she was level to his face. Bela swug hard and fast. I pulled her away immeaditly and went to America.

"I'm gonna be on someones hitlist cause of her." I mutter. "Well the kids seem to have filled the bags we can head back to your place now." He laughed at my annoyance. And Bela looked like she was foaming at the mouth.

"Good Idea." I mumble, picking my sister up and stealing her candy bag as everyone quickly dissapeared to go to my house. When we got back France was leaning on Britain's shoulder and Nazi was leaning on dad's lap all were on the couch watching a movie.

Dad glanced at the door as we stepped in. "Hello how was it?" He asked as I placed the bags on the counter and America sat by his parents with his siblings. "Bela almost got me into a fight with a group of teenagers." I groan, stealing chocolate from Bela's bag and checked it before popping it into my mouth.

Nazi laughed. "I love how she's the bark and you're the bite it's a funny dynamic." He sat up as Bela jumped into his arms and he sits comfortably. I'm glad she and Nazi got along.

"Yeah I guess." I yawn heading upstairs, the costume was itchy after a while. I was almost done taking it off when America walked in shutting the door. I jumped, what was he doing in my room?! "Meri-" "We can spend the night, mom and dad are heading home though." He shrugged getting closer.

I grab a regular t shirt and throw it on. He smiles leaning close. "Shy?" He whispered. It was lower than what he usually sounded like. I kept quiet. He roughly kisses me pulling me towards my bed and shoves me down. I'm pretty sure I told him I didn't wanna do it. I try to shove him off and he adjusts slightly.

He was leaning on my chest. "Did you seriously think I was gonna fuck you? Relax I wanted to lie down, not attempt to fuck you promise." He wrapped his arms around me and sat there for a second before kissing me and mubmbling goodnight as he passed out.

He was right, he's not Like North. I need to relax. He always plays rough anyway why am I so worried?

To swear by the Hammer and SickleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon