Safe Haven 7

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"Tell anyone and I will make it hurt" Venom audible As North whispered. I want to dissapear. He sits in his normal seat as America drops into his seat.

I feel tired. I need to take a nap. I lean back after a while, but it's hard to open my eyes. Britain would kill me if I slept in his class.

I feel myself lean to my right resting my head on something. I feel a quick movement before blacking out. It took a while before the bell rang. I flinch.

When I sit up America shifted away, grabbing books to put away. He seems flustered. It sunk in. "Sorry." I mumble. I'm hurriedly shoving books in my bag.

He bumps my arm. "No worries, I just didn't expect it, lean on me anytime." He smiled. Something felt weird a fuzzy feeling in my stomach.

"Isn't it weird though?" I question as he paused. "No, It's not, if you need someone to trust I'm here. I've got your back." He said rubbing my shoulder before getting up.

"North isn't here, let's head to our next class before he randomly appears." He walked towards the door. I get up. Oddly however, I wanted to stay close.

"Waitup." I say following him as he left the room. "Clingy?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes. He snickered as we went to our next class.

It continued until school was over. America ran towards me as I walked outside. "Hey! Do you need to pick up Bela? I was curious if you could walk home with me since we are heading to yours after and I gotta pick up kiwi and Aussie?" He asked.

I nod as I head the direction of the younger school. We talked for a while until we made it to the entrance. Bela was chasing two kids with a giant foam sword.

"BELARUS PUT THE SWORD DOWN!" she slams into a halt the sword dropping from her hand. In one mood swing she has the biggest smile on her face running up to me.

"Brotheeeeerrr!" She jumps into my arms, nearly knocking me off balance. America runs to the victims trying not to die from laughter.

"Amee, we almost dieeeed!" The two shrieked. I almost drop Bela as I crumble laughing. America follows dropping as well.

"Brother do you know the twins brother?" Bela squeaks. I nod, catching my breath. Meri comes back holding the two's hands.

He had a bright smile on his face while mine faded a little. The 3 kids were giggling as they walked infront of us. We soon approached America's house.

Britain was dancing with France in the livingroom presumably to music. Both were laughing and Meri's smile got bigger.

He unlocked the door and Kiwi and Aussie ran in. France grabbed the two and continued dance. Britain kissed her cheek and went to his office. Meri left his stuff on the couch neatly before coming outside.

"That seemed fun." I say as we leave the house, Bela holding my hand. "Yeah, mom tries to get dad to dance when he's free." He hums as we walk to my house.

Bela runs to the door as soon as dad goes to leave for work. He gives her a hug and looks at me, glancing over and seeing America.

He ruffles Bela's hair before waving at him and getting in the car. America looked shocked. I snicker. "Relax unless you do something to intentionally harm anyone you will be fine, I can't promise what Nazi will do though." I smile as he went from shock to fear.

"...My funeral awaits me." He mumbles. I guide him inside, throwing my shoes off. He did the same, setting his near mine.

"Well, well, well, didn't expect you to bring a boy home Russia." I jolt and Meri shrieks. I turn around and Nazi stood there a smirk visible on his face.

"Don't you dare-" I'm cut off, Nazi snickers. "Tell me at dinner."

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