Morning 11

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Sitting at the table was awkward, Nazi was trying to talk with America to find an excuse to force us into a relationship. It was annoying to put it politely. He kept looking at the two of us trying to put something together.

"Ahem, Nazi knock it off." My father said coldly. Nazi turned to him with a smirk. "Make me love~" I gagged slightly and so did Germany.

"I'm heading to Japan's house see you guys in a year!" Germany got up and left. The food sat there untouched. I groaned picking it up and setting it on the counter.

Nazi laughed slightly and America sat there akwardly. My father got up and quietly thanked me for making breakfast before dragging Nazi to his office.

America looked at me confused. I glanced at Bela as she quickly shoved food in her mouth and grabbed her headphones.

Meri finished quickly and soon the three of us were outside at the park with Bela chasing birds. Meri leaned on my shoulder quietly and immeaditly jerked up as he heard voices.

I looked up and North Korea, India, and China were all talking together. America was hesitant about making a run for it or just hoping they would leave.

I knew better that that and wasn't suprised as China made eye contact wuth Meri. He quickly got the other two and gestured to where we sat.

"Bela come here." I called, she immeaditly stopped and made her way over. "Ohhhh I didn't know you had another sister~" North looked at me a smirk on his face.

"We were just leaving, I have to help my dad with something." I lied, I could tell he wasn't buying it. "What happened to you, I thought you were the quiet one. Maybe I need to shut you up myself again~" North moved Closer and Meri shoved him.

He stood up in front of me while Bela looked startled. I stood up and pulled Meri towards the house. North took no time and yanked America and punched him.

That's when India grabbed Bela and China blocked me. I was mad, furious I don't care what North does to me but the second he had his friends bring my sister and Meri into this. This is game over.

I swung hard and fast and as China grabbed my arm I kicked him in the hip causing a snap sound. One down two to go. India tightened his grip around Bela causing her to scream.

I didn't have a chance to blink before I dropped and something like a blade flew out from behind me and the temperature dropped quickly.

I heard my father and Nazi run over, probably from hearing Bela scream. I re foucused and a sharp spear of ice was at India and North Korea's throat.

My father stooped in his tracks. "Ебена мать..." (holy shit) India dropped Bela who ran over in tears. North dropped Meri and backed away fear easily noticed.

I looked around at ther was what looked like a spiked Cage of ice surrounding me. I exhaled and I could see my breath in front of me. "...What is happening?" I was in shock and so was everyone else.

I didn't know I could do this, there were no signs I could. "Is everyone okay?" Nazi approached America and Bela to double check. Soviet looked at me before coming closer.

"Are you okay Russia?" He asked, grabbing my shoulders to lift me up. My legs collapsed underneath me and he jerked forward stabilizing me slightly.

"Dizzy, definitely dizzy." I mumble, every thing blacks out a second later. When I woke up again my father sat there talking with Nazi.

"Ughhhh, what the hell?" I mumbled and both looked at me looking relived. "Didn't know you could do that." Soviet said calmly. "America said he did that with fire, but never imagined someone else having magic."

"Where did this come from?" I feel dizzy again.

"I don't know"

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