I told you to not get sick. 19

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I felt more weight as I ran through the pouring rain. I glance down and Meri was asleep. I quickly slip my phone from my pocket calling Nazi. "Beep bep...Hallo?" His voice responded.

He didn't sound drunk currently. "Uh hey can you get Dad to call Britian and tell him I'm letting America spend the night I'm getting drenched right now and I'd rather not go as far bringing him to his house too." I say adjusting Meri to one of my arms instead.

"Ja, am I setting up an extra matress or anything? By the way Soviet heard you he's calling Britain now." Nazi said shuffling something. "нет, he'll hangout in my room. Thank you though I'm in the neighborhood now chat in a bit bye." I hung up sliding the phone in my pocket.

I made it home a few seconds later, unlocking the door and walking through. Nazi and father were leaning against the kitchen counter. "Привет, Россия, ты выглядишь усталым."
(Hello Russia you look tired) my father looked at the sleeping America against my chest.

He just sighed and picked him up. "только немного папа" (only a little dad) I mumble, heading upstairs to shower.


I went back downstairs and America was drinking hot chocolate on the couch bundled up in a fluffy blanket. "Hi Russia." He looked exhausted. "Hey Meri are you okay?" I sit next to him and he just snuggles up to me in silence.

"I am now." He smiled peacfully. He sniffled slightly and coughed. I sigh, picking up the empty mug and putting it on the counter. Nazi and dad were gone, they probabaly went to bed.

"Alright, time to sleep." I head back over and he glared at me. "I'm not *yawn* flupping tires." He looked me in the eye and flipped me off.

I yank him up and even while he squirmed I made it upstairs. I set him on my bed and moved the new cats to the small box fortress nearby.

America shoved me hard and went to get up again complaining like a five year old. I pull him back and this time slam him into to cushion hoping the hit was enough to make him sit there.

He just looked at me. My hands were still pinning him down so I let go and just lay down next to him. He immeaditly leaned into my back shaking. I flip over and he just hugs my waist tightly.

I wrap my arms around him pretty easily. Not sure why I'm doing this. Maybe Bela was right maybe I kinda like him more than a friend. I can't tell. After a few minutes he starts coughing again.

I rub his back and he's shuddering worse. I'll talk to Germany about it, he wants to be a doctor anyway this is practice. I soon feel my eyes fade to black.

Timeskip morning

I slowly open my eyes and the warmth that was once there had dissapeared. I groan sitting up and then hear someone choking. I pull off the covers and quickly make my way to the bathroom where the sound came from.

America was hunched over the toilet bowl vomiting. I sat next to him rubbing my eyes. "I thought I told you not to get sick?" I whisper to him, before rubbing his shoulders.

"I- 'm sorry" he choked out. I exhale quietly before wrapping my arms around his waist after he finally finished throwing up whaever was in his stomach. He leaned against me quietly mumbling inaudible words.

"Ruski? Why do you care about me?" The words left his mouth and tears followed Immeaditly after. "Because we're friends and you're not worthless if thats what your thinking?." I stare at him.

I was horribly confused. "Is th-that all we'll ever b-be?" He looked at me and for once I noticed his glasses were off. "I don't know, I'm not sure about what I feel right now, I'm sorry." I mumbled.

He shakily sighed before muttering "I'm hungry..." I smiled picking him up. And walking downstairs setting him on the couch. "What are you hungry for?" I glance at him and he smirks.

"N-" "you~" he snickered. My face went red. Godamnit he needs to stop doing that. Nazi walked in. "Just keep it down and wear protection." He looks at me as he makes coffee. "Nazi, 1 we aren't gonna do anything we are just friends and 2 you and dad are alway loud as fuck!" I snap.

Meri just snickers again as Nazi shrugged it off. "What? He's hot as fuck when he-" "When I what?" Dad was at the kitchen entrance. He calmly walked over and snatched Nazi's coffee taking a sip of it.

"Nothing Darling, don't worry. Can I have my coffee back love?" Nazi placed his hands on dads hips and snuggled into his shoulder. "Mhmn sure." He places it on the counter as Nazi picks it up again.

America looked at me and burst out laughing. I groan grabbing a muffin and throw it at him. "Eat the muffin and stop making weird comments. " I hold back a snicker as he caught it in his mouth. He made some kind of chirp and began eating it normally.

Or so I thought I turn around and he had a hole in the middle as he stuck his toungue through moving it around before he looked me in the eye and winked. I heard someone choke behind me. And Dad turned and just left me alone with Meri.

"Seriously?!" "Yes~"

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