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It had been a few days, before I even had a day to think it was Christmas for the American family and I was spending dinner with routy kids. "Bela sit down!" I grab her as she ran behind my chair.

"But Ruussss its Christmas lay off!" She whined pushing against my arms as I held her. "Its not our Christmas nice try Bel" I pick her up and set her in my lap. "Finish eating, be grateful for the food then go play k?" I smiled as she giggled and nodded. I sighed letting go.

"So Russia about your project-" "Rather not talk about it sir, sorry..." I mumble drinking the water. My Father looked at me concerned. "No I wanna know why my son broke down the second I asked why you guys took so long at the library?" Britian insisted. America looked at me before France cut it off.

"It's Christmas please calm down!" She said quietly grabbing Britains hand. He sighed "please take care of my son." Britain looked at me and then went back to talking with Nazi and Dad.

Bela started giggling. I glare at her. "What?" She pointed up. Why is this what I think it is? I watch as America smirked pointing up. I groan looking up. There it was. Mistletoe, the plant I've always hated. "Happy Birthday me" I mutter as Meri leaned in.

"Wait what?" He whispered. Shit. He kissed me quickly. "Your birthday is today!? Why didn't you tell me!?" He gripped my shoulders shaking me violently. "Cause, it's Christmas for you and plus I don't normally celebrate it I just ackowledge it?" I remove his hand off my shoulders

"Gimme a sec....." America runs off. I look up again, Mistletoe was still there. I snatch it from the ceiling and toss it above Nazi and Dad with a smile. "I'll run before dad kills me anyone done eating? I can get rid of the plates." France gets up and helps me clean up as Nazi repeatedly kissed dad.

"Nazi, I'd spare your husband he looks annoyed." Britain smiled. "I know, but he's so handsome when he's mad!" Nazi teases. Dad grabs him harshly and kisses him. "There, Happy? Now stop teasing me сука." Dad stacked his plate with everyone elses after flicking me and going to help in the kitchen.

Apparently the kids could bake cookies and decorate them. I'd probabaly steal a plain one to snack on but I'd rather not have Bela attempt to bite me. A few moments later America came over with a box and shoved it into my chest. "Happy birthday!" He smiled. I just stared at him.

"Meri thanks but I didn't want anything for Christmas or my birthday soo...." I go to hand it back and he steps away. "If you love me you'll open it." Meri smiled. I sigh opening the box. There was a small necklace with a silver dragon. And there were little wooden figurines.

"Did you make these?" I lift up a small wooden bear figurine and America nods. "I can't draw for shit but i figured I'd try wood carving." He shurgged, grabbing the necklace. "I also hope you like dragons cause I bought this from Finland and he mentioned you were fond of them." He added putting it around my neck.

Thankfully it rested lower then the necklace dad gave me. "Hm, I guess I do like dragons." I mumble messing with it. "Thanks, although in the future I wouldn't worry about my birthday." I snicker hugging America tightly.

"Not a chance" he was smiling and hugges me back. We all sat in the living room. And the kids were having fun with karaoke. Meri leaned on my shoulder, wrpping his arms around me. "Got a favorite Christmas song?" He mumbled, kissing my cheek. I pull him into my lap. "Uhhh-" "If you answer he'll make you sing it with him!" France and Britian said quickly.

"Seriously Meri?" I pinch his cheek. I disliked singing in front of people it was always akward. "But you play guitar just fine for your sister and I~" he looked at me with puppy eyes. Please tell me he understands the difference. "Yeah, Guitar fine singing, not fine!" I watch As dad snickers.

"Hey Russia?" Dad says with a smirk on his face. Oh shit. "Yeah?" I'm already regretting this. "Remember when you said you'd owe me back for messing up my white shirt?" Oh shit he's calling me out from 10 years ago and still remembers. "All sins will be forgivin if you sing with your lover." He smiled. America got up immeaditly fist bumping my dad.

"Traitor." I mumble. And for the few minutes i was up Meri made me sing his favorite. 'All I want for Christmas is you'
I hated this. After it was over I dissapeared to his room and dont plan on going back out.

A/N- As you guys can tell Rus doesn't like to sing, but hey he did it anyway. Any opinions?
Ame: Best thing ever
Rus: Shoot me please or I'll do it myself.

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