Just like me 12

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I had kept it a secret for so long seeing Russia lash out though helped it sink in. He had a different kind of magic, I had the opposite to him.

That meant something, I've heard my father mention that many people who are opposites tend to make good relationships, supposedly to balance eachother out.

I'm still confused as to where the magic came from. I don't recall him being close to his mother. His father doesn't have any.

Bela seemed to scream louder than a normal countryhuman could. That's what triggered Russia to lash out.

Maybe it only acts out when he or a loved one is endagered. Maybe he got he magic at a certain age.

All countryhumans have different kind of magic. Some have super strength, speed, agility. But it's strange to have elemental based magic.

I'll probably ask my father about it later. I heard the door open and I saw Russia standing against the doorframe while his parents were talking.

He walked over and sat next to me. "Father said you had similar type of magic to me just oppsite elements." He looked at me and I saw his leg bouncing.

" yeah, i can summon shit from fire and minipulate it, my father likes to call it summer flames which I never understood." I stopped rambling quickly.

He sighed. "You didn't think to tell me?" He said looking me dead in the eyes. I paused. "I'm sorry I wanted to I wasn't sure how you'd take it." He sighed.

"Whether I take it well or not that's still a secrect. What was I gonna do tell everyone? Who do I even talk to and who at school gives a damn on what I have to say?" Russia looked hurt.

I wanted to say something but I heard his voice break. "I'm invisible to most people Meri, unless you hurt me I'd still treat you like a friend because you're the only one I have."

"I won't keep anymore secrets from you. I'm sorry, I was scared" I look at him and he's trembling but smiles slightly.

"Thank you." He got up and left. I curled against the couch trying not to cry. Nazi walked in he looked at me calmly before rubbing my back and whispering. "It's okay to cry."

Never thought I'd be crying on Nazi's shoulder. I figured he would stab me at least. "Does Russia hate me now?" I mumble.

He just snickered, "no, he's just in shock, he still wants to be your friend." He said, rubbing my back before sitting me up. "Don't worry he got attached to you pretty quickly, that's a rare occurrence."

I nod Before wiping the tears off. "You've changed." I mumbled. He smiled and mumbled something along the lines of blaming Soviet.

"Being the bad guy isn't that fun when the hero always wins." He said before getting up. "Relax, problems will be solved eventually."

I left after a few minutes. I see Russia in the kitchen making hot chocolate with Bela attached to his leg.

I walked over hopefully to apologize but he looked at me a cut me off. "Meri, I'm sorry, I got scared I would've lost my only friend and my little sister in the same day. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I'm sorry." He looked at me and he looked exhausted.

"I came to apologize to you." I mumbled. He just smiled. "I beat you to it, and plus I was being a jerk and snapping at you." He inched bela calmly off his leg.

He hugged me and I started crying. He leaned me against him as he leaned on the counter. "Do you want some hot chocolate."


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