Why am I here? 17

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It's been a few weeks the dance is after school 6pm
I wasn't prepared for tonight.  I forgot my homework, although it was done. And I was already at Bela's school so I couldn't turn around. Atleast I rembered Meri's outfit for tonight.

Probably not the best crumpled up but I'll figure that out later. It was somethinng Nazi gave me which looked really good but was way to small. "Bye Bela! Don't kill anyone!" I ran to school and made it a minute late.

"Damnit!" I noticed North and China talking by the entrance. North looked at me and smiled before coming over. "Why are you the late one all of a sudden?" He quizzed.

"Alarm clock didn't go off, can you please move so I can get in?" I cursed as he snickered. "What to I get in return?" He smirked."Hmmm let's see the fact i may not punch you in the face with all the shit you put me through?" I snapped.

He pulled open the door. "Wow, rude much?" I hear him mumble as I pass by. "Don't care." I flip him off and head to class.  America was sitting in his seat scrolling through his phone.

"Boo!" I tap his shoulder and barley dodge a swing. "Hi!" I say. He quickly apologized and smiles. I sit down and grab the clothes handing it to him.

(Left would be what America wears and right is what Russia will wear

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(Left would be what America wears and right is what Russia will wear. Creds to pintrest Bom_ya)

Meri looked at his chosen style and started giggling. "I'm gonna look so good!" He stuffed it in his bag and smiled. "I'm suprised you're actually going." He mumbled leaning closer.

"I may regret it but you asked so it would be kinda rude to say no when you've tried doing stuff for me in the past. Think of it as I'm doing this since we're friends." I yawn putting my head down.

Britain Barged in 2 minutes late. That's new. "It has been brought to my attention that there is a dance today, just warning you it will rain later be careful." He announced. He then began working through and assignment he was planning to give us.

North turned around in his seat tapping my arm. "Hm?" I glare at him and he just smiles gesturing to my left arm. I look and America is leaned against it asleep.

"What about it?" I whisper trying not to draw Britain's attention over and avoiding waking Meri. "He's on your arm and you haven't punched him yet." North mocked. "Do you lik-" "no, I just don't feel threatend around him unlike somebody I know." He just turned around with a smile.

Time skip after school

America was hyper as fuck. "It's so close!" He was smiling and my jaw hurt just seeing it. I wasn't ready I was more scared than anything. And partly wanting to escape while I could.

We both made it home and soon I was spammed with messages. I grab my phone heading to my room where my father was sitting. "Hi, is everything ok?" I walked over and he sets a box in my hands.

"Your Grandfather is coming the week of your birthday. I don't think you'll enjoy it much because you may feel judged and I want you to be somewhat happy when he comes." He sighed, before gesturing for me to open the box.

It had holes in it? What? I open it and 2 fuzzy kittens were curled up together. I almost dropped it. "You're kidding?" I stare at father and he shakes his head. "I heard you liked cats more than dogs. I figured it could be a good gift." I kinda tuned him out and rubbed the kitten's heads.

My father paused and grabbed my arm. "I heard you're finally going to that school dance, promise me you'll be okay?" He looked worried and I knew I felt worried. "I'm going with America, I think I'll be okay." I mumble.

He just sighed and hugged me. "Goodluck and don't get hurt." He left soon after. I yawned staring at the alarm clock. 5:15 perfect time to relax. I get a wave of spamming again. I snatched my phone and open it.

M: I tried it on i look sooo hot!
M: can I see yours?
M: Ruski?
M: you're not ditching me are you?
M: Darling?

I felt my face flush. As i Replied.

R: sorry talking with my father
R: don't call me darling we're friends not lovers
M: can we change that?

I groan turning my phone off. I grab the decided clothes and change. I place the kittens on my bed so they had and option to explore.

I went to the kitchen and Nazi was standing there drinking something from a bottle. I glance at him and he looks annoyed. "Hello, little shit." He wobbled slightly.

Normally he'd call me that as a joke it was different this time. He was drunk on something. "Hello?" I respond grabbing my sweater before quickly leaving. I don't  wanna know what that was.

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