Over dose 22

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A/N - new Pov (for now) Finland heard About the overdose and came to visit his friend. So if you can't tell the title TRIGGER WARNING (this is kinda a suicide attampt, mentions of suicide drug use etc please do not yell at me for not warning you)

"Bzzt" "Hm?" I glanced at my Phone and Russia's contact was there. "Hi Rus-" "This Is Russia's Step father assuming your his friend please come to the hospital something happened." The voice said urgently.

"Alright I'm coming." I hang up and shove the device in my pocket before running to the hospital.


"Uh hello? Ma'am?" I said to the lady at the front. "By any chance Do you know the room that Russia Moscow is in?" I started picking at my fingers as she pulled up the information.

"Level 1 room 10" she said pointing in the direction. I ran over and Nazi was on the phone with someone. "Uh, why are you here?" I question as I see Russia's phone in his hand. Oh Nazi Is Russia's Step father.

"He overdosed on something the bottle he used is empty with no lable so doctors aren't sure what they are." He was shaking as he spoke. Unusual with Nazi but understandable. His stepson and my friend is in the hospital.

"I'd assume some kind of painkiller or antidepressant. He's had issues with them before." I mumble. Could it have been the blue container that North offered him a few years ago when they were friends?

"Can I see the container I might have An idea, plus isn't your son hoping to be a doctor?" I ask. Nazi sighed and threw the container at me. Shit. "I'm calling North Korea he gave them to Rus when they were friends." I was annoyed at being right But thankful I may be able to help.

Maybe I could be a detective when I get a job. I met the requirements anyway. "North hi, I Have some questions." I say As the phone picks up. "Alright ask away!" He said simply.


"It's a mix of ingredients from an antidepressant called happy pills and A seriously strong painkiller. He likes to call the stupid thing angel tears.(not sure if it's an actual drug i made up a name also don't do drugs they don't help with jack and crap.)

Nazi stared at me shocked. "Howd yo-" "Don't ask." I say, heading to the nurse handing her the small notepad I had used when talking with North.

She stared at me and smiled before leaving muttering a thanks. I stare at the door to the room and Nazi walked up and opened it. "You're allowed to say hi." He said, gesturing for me to go in.

Russia was sitting up. He looked dead. "Hey Rus!" I say sitting down at the foot of the bed. "He hates m-me." He mumbled, that's when I saw the tears. "Who?" I get closer trying to help out.

"Meri hates me." He whisperd before breaking down sobbing. "I tried. I tried to be a good partner. But he just hates me." His head was buried in his arms.

Meri? Who's Meri? Wait, is that his nickname for America? What did he meet by partner? Wait were they dating? "Russia I doubt America hates-" "He said he hated me to my Face Fin, he said 'I hate you' to my Face!" He seemed highly unstable like this.

I sighed. I couldn't help him. "You'll make it without him. After all you said you wanted to look forward and be a singer and songwriter. You can always use this-" "Finland, that's not it. I ACTUALLY CARED ABOUT HIM!" He looked at me as his voice raised.

"I felt safe around him, he cared about me and now? I lost that. I don't feel safe anymore I feel lost, everything hurts and I cant stop thinking about him." He cried. "I felt love for once...." I watched as he lay down and tried to breath.

Wait maybe I'll talk to him. "Rus, I'll be back I gotta do something." I shot up and left. Leaving him like that was probably not nice. I went to their neighborhood and saw his father walk out of a house with his daughter look like she was crying.

I got closer and heard the bickering. "Why are you leaving me alone to do this!?" Ukraine's voice cracked as she yelled at Soviet. "Because you need to learn to survive, I don't care if you hate me I'm doing this so you can maybe survive. And me telling you to get a job isn't asking that much." Soviet groaned.

Wait what?! I cautiously walked over. "Uh, Sir?" I said as he turned around. "Yes Finland?" He seemed annoyed. "What happened?" I ask gesturing to Ukraine. "She irrisponsibly got pregnate and is complaining that I won't help her pay for childcare. And she and Canada have to get jobs to care for it." He sighed.

I nod before gesturing to the house. "Is America home? We gotta talk." He nodded before telling Ukraine to go home.

I knock on the door and America answers. "What do you want?" He glared at me. "You don't hate him do you?" "No, come in.."

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