Muted 3

103 1 0

Russia Pov.

I felt sick. North Korea made sure he made a suggestive look whenever I glanced up. America sat next to me foot tapping as he glared at North.

"Ame , look Russia is fine with me you should calm down, you wanna embarrass your father? Come on, Russia your happy with me here right?" North turned to face me.

I couldn't breath. His eyes were staring at me I could feel them. America went to rub my back. I jerked up, chair scraping the floor.

Britain called my name but I didn't listen. I dodged a few kids earning some swears. I barely made it to the bathroom before throwing up. First day of school and I'm already worried about getting fucked.

I heard the door open. I freeze. Great what if that asshole followed me. I feel myself rub my neck, I felt uncomfortable and hot. God it felt horrible.

I glance under the door and after a few minutes of silence I heard America's voice. What the hell is he doing here?

"Hey, Ruski you okay?" He had lightly knocked on the door. I start coughing and soon I'm back to throwing up and my heart starts pounding.

A few minutes later the lock clicks open and he sits next to me. Now I look weak. I want him to leave but I can barely move without gagging.

"Go away!" I shove him lightly. He doesn't move. I was hoping he would understand, but instead he went to the sink, filling up a bottle and setting it nearby.

"If you want me to leave, I will, but that won't stop North from getting close to you in a state like this." He sighed, getting up.

I always stuck to being alone. It saved me the problems, now it gave me problems. I didn't want to be alone. I just never felt safe around people. America was somehow an exception.

I collapsed against the wall, it hurt to breath. Maybe I wasn't sick because of North, maybe I just had gotten a fever or something. I went to yank America's sleeve. He had already left.
*r@pe trigger warning*

The only saftey I supposedly had was gone. And at the worst possible time, North Korea and a bunch of his friends walked in laughing.

India pointed me out. North Korea paused before smirking at me and walking over. I backed into a corner. It felt impossible to move. And before I knew it, he was sitting on top of me.

My head spun and I could barely see. I heard a few voices fade in and out along with my vision. And soon enough I felt his hands glide across my inner thigh. North's friends had left without a second thought, leaving me alone with him.

He leaned into me roughly jerking me against the wall. I already was overheated and him getting this close wasn't helpful. His hands left my skin for a second before he slid them towards my waist.

His hand was roughly dragging against me and everytime I tried to fight he grinded against me. The bell rang loudly and he took that as his cue to leave before roughly kissing me and leaning down to bite my neck leaving a dark bruise.
*r@pe warning over*

I watched as he left as soon as the door slammed shut I cried. It wasn't normal for me to cry but for some reason this caused me to. North took advantage of me and I have no doubt he'd do it again.

I shakily got up. Once I managed too I left school. I tried to run home but it hurt and the most I could do was stumble.

I dreaded going home after this happened but I wanted to tell my father. I questioned it for a bit. What if he's disgusted what if he'll hate me. What if he thinks I'm weak. I pushed my thoughts away and just focused on getting home.

To swear by the Hammer and SickleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang