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My phone buzzed. I glace at the time. 2am, who the hell is up this early. I stare at the phone as a text pops up. Russia! I open it quickly. A smile is very apparent on my face.

R:Hey, Meri, wanna hang out? After school tomorrow and I know you're probably not awake right now. I was curious. Also thanks for worrying about me. See you.

My stomach flipped and I felt super excited.

A: Yeah! Right after school or a bit later?
R: wait, why are you up right now? You should be asleep.
A: same question for you Ruski, what's your excuse?
R: ...alright ignore the question. After school drop off your stuff at home and meet at my house. I'll give you the address after class.
A: Alright, but seriously get sleep.
R: how about no?
A: I will force you to sleep
R: I will snap your neck if you touch me.
A: ughhhh fine you win. See ya Ruski.
R: see you too Meri.

I set the phone down. I grab one of my stuffed animals and squish it. It's not a date but it's a hangout. We are genuine friends now!

I never thought it was possible. I figured he'd scratch the promise. Then again, his siblings say his loyalty to family is pretty strong.

It took a few hours of impatience until my alarm went off. I got up and got dressed. Black t-shirt, another sweater around my waist, and black torn jeans with black combat boots.

I shot down the stairs and France was talking with Britain. "Morning mom, morning dad!" Both turn and smile. "Whats got you all ready to go?" Mom asked.

My father facepalmed. "I'm gonna hang out with Russia later!" I say munching a bagel. My father rolled his eyes. "Knew it."

I ignore it. There is no point in fighting, he knows he's right. It takes a few minutes before Canada heads downstairs. "Heyyy Ame , what's got you hyper?" He poked my blushing face.

"He's gonna see his boyfriend after school" mom clapped. I grabbed my stuf and left for school. I am not getting embarrassed.

I walk over to the younger school. I figured Russia would drop off Bela. A few minutes later I saw him pat Bela's head before heading off.

Thankfully, it was Canada's turn to take Aussie and Kiwi. "Hey! Ruski!" I start running up to him as he turned. "Oh, hey morning." He smiled, letting me catch up.

"So how are you?" I tried to hide the excitement of getting to see him. He didn't seem upset by the energy I had. "Tired, but otherwise fine, you?" He asked putting an earbud in.

"I'm good, Pretty excited for after school!" It wasn't a lie, I was excited. He glanced at me for a second and I caught his eye.

"Wow! Your eyes are cool!" I choked from the shock. He glanced away, I saw a light color flash across his face before returning normal.

"Thank you. " he mumbles as we approach the school. I see Japan and Germany chatting. "Hey guys!" I call. They both glance and Japan squeals.

"How did you get Russia to hang out with you?!" She seemed to not believe her eyes. "Oh ,I don't know actually I guess we just decided to get along." I say simply.

Russia tapped my shoulder and whispered that he was gonna go. His voice made my legs jello and my face flush.

Japan smirked and wiggled her brows. "Shut it!" I say as Russia leaves. Germany smiled as she huffed. Then the Bell rang.

I head to my first class and see North Korea sitting In my seat. I tap his shoulder. "Get up, and leave Russia alone." I glare. He returns a smirk whispering something to Russia before sitting in his seat.

"You good?" I whisper. I only get a nod and he slouched burying his head in his arms. Just like last time.

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