Tease. 25

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It was morning, only issue? Russia and I were Late for classes. My father will kill us. Russia wasn't waking up when I shook him. I was dressed in his hoodie and just wore my original pants. "Russia get up!" I violently shake him and he doesn't move much.

Soviet walked in. " RUSSIA GET THE FUCK UP YOU'RE LATE" he walked out leaving a startled Russia sitting up. He looked at me before quickly getting up and throwing on a black tshirt.

"I'm wearing your hoodie, not gonna say anything?" I watched as he glanced at me quickly before the two of us threw on our shoes, grabbed our bags, and ran out the door.

Once the school came into veiw I watched as my Father stood at the gate. Russia groaned slowing down to a slight jog. I huffed as we approached the gate and dad glared at me. "5 minutes late. Dentention you and Russia after school for an hour. I'll notify his father shortly."

Russia swore under his breath, as Britain let us through. We walked to class and the other kids were working on some kind of project. North stuck his tongue out at us and Russia flipped him off. "Soo Russia is late for the first time in all of his school years." North teased as a few other students laughed.

Russia gripped the chair, dropping down. "Shut the fuck up and tell us what the project is." He snapped and North raised his hands in surrender. "We are working on a psychology project the idea is Toxic relationship vs Healthy." North yawned. "We have to make a poster board with a few drawings and stuff." He added.

Russia glared at him before smirking. "If anyone ever dated you they'd be locked in a toxic relationship I know that for sure." I laughed as North looked horribly offended. "He-" "Don't dig your grave further by lying you bastard." Russia cut him off quickly.

I watched as North leaned back, apparently giving up. Russia leaned back annoyed. "Let's give everyone a job, for example I'll handle research Russia handles the posters/ drawings And North handles material collection." I offer. Russia looks at North and North gives him a thumbs up.

"Sounds good, assuming its due before winter break, we have today November 1st till December 15? That wil likley give us around 40 days at least. So how about this, everyone works on their separate parts for a full week, and we can start meeting up after school at the library to put it together?" Russia suggested.

North nodded. It was settled. "Alright we will meet on the 8th then 15th then 12th of December is final.?" North asked, taking note. "Also why aren't we going to someone's house?" He added.

Russia sighed. "Cause I'm not getting stalked and the Library is closer." He slightly joked. I lean on his shoulder and he rubs my arm. "Wait are you tw-" "Shut the fuck up." I interrupt. He was getting annoying. Russia snickers as North backs down.

"Class is over." Russia yawned, looking at his phone. Everyone in the class packed up. Finally.


Detention. Lovley. I trudge towards the door and open it. Russia was sitting in the back corner getting annoyed by a random country. "Hey bucko fuck off!" I made sure they knew it was me.

Russia smiled and waved. I hop onto his desk criss crossed. He looked tired. I watched as the country looked at us for a minute longer. Wait, India?! "The fuck do you want India?" I snap causing him to turn around.

"I was gonna talk to Russia but now you're here. " he yawned, sitting at the empty desks. Russia leaned against my legs mumbling something. I lift his chin close towards my face. "Repeat?" I tease him, inching close but not enough to close the distance. "Meri? Seriously?" He whined slightly, it was barely a whisper.

India gagged and I snickered at him. He's just jealous. India got up and left quickly. I leaned back towards Russia. "So, care to repeat that? Or am I gonna have to tease it out of you?" I whisper and I see his eyes glaze over. "Go ahead and try." He smirked before, quickly pulling me off the desk into his lap.

"What the?! Your eyes?" "I know, gotta drop your guard somehow." He wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug, kissing my head. God I loved him.

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