Plans 16

47 1 0

I raced over to Russia's house. I told my parents I'd be over there I didnt tell them why. I saw him at the door, he looked tired but otherwise unharmed.

"Russia!!!" I ran over and he flinched slightly, probably from hearing me yell. "Hm?" He turned to face me and he seemed unusually calm from coming from North Korea's house.

"What happened?" I question as he unlocks the door and gestured for me to come inside. "Suprisingly nothing, we made a deal that I may or may not regret." He threw his bag on the couch before collapsing on it.

"Wait seriously!? He didn't touch you or anything?" I quizzed Russia and he just sighed. "Yeah, it was strange but I mean I'm glad so let's hope it says like this." He sits up and laughs at my shocked face.

"The deal was just I'd give him homework help and give him a chance to fix the friendship thing and he'd keep his hands off." Russia yawned. "Oh and didn't we have a deal?"

He gestured to my glasses and I paused. "But I wanna keep em on!" I whined. He leans over slipping them off before I could stop him. "A deals a deal Meri." He sighed.

I grumble and he just looks at me. "And somehow you were right, it didn't go as horrible as I thought." He smiled. I felt my cheeks go warm from finally seeing a genuine smile on his face and not his usual tired smile.

"Haha I'm always right!" I boast, puffing out my chest. He smirked, oh shit he was planning something. "America what's 6 times 3?" He asked and all confidence I had just left me.

"Uhhh um......crap." he laughed and wrote it down. What was he doing? He looked me dead in the eye. "Still waiting." He mumbled with the annoying smirk.

I was tearing my brain apart trying to remember and barely mumbled 12. "The Amazing USA is incorrect its 18 dumbass." He said casually.

I wanted to one up him. "4508 times 45 divided by 5?" I quickly ask. He answers without struggle. "It's 40, 572" he smiled as I snatch the calculator. I punch it in and I was suprised. "How'd yo-" "my father taught me to think quickly." He cut me off.

"Math is so hard like why do we need x and stuff. Couldn't we add the bed sutract the clothes divide the legs and hope we don't multipy?" I laugh as his face flushes. I'm suprised he didn't shut me up.

"I'm kidding, ny god you're easy to tease." I say leaning a tad too close as I get smacked by a pillow. "You are an ass." He mumbled still trying to focus.

I smile and sit next to him. "Relax I won't do anything....unless-" I was shut up as he grabbed another pillow beating me with it. "Ow ow ok you win I'll shut up!" I giggle and he finally ceased the attack.

"So A little bird told me you're going on the camping trip coming up?" I chirp and he tenses. "Uh, that might change, I'm not a fan of class trips but I'll try." He sighed relaxing again.

"How about the fall dance or Halloween party?" I look him in the eye and he just sighs. "I'm not going unless I'm asked, otherwise im staying home for the fall dance, as for the party on Halloween, I wanted to rake Bela trick or treating." He rubbed his neck.

He did that often. Was it a nerve thing? I couldn't tell. "Well, I was gonna take Aussie and Kiwi trick or treating also, but I wanna go to the fall dance except the person I'm gonna ask will probably say no." I lean into the couch and he glances at me with what looks like jealousy.

Why. Maybe he doesn't know I wanna ask him out. Maybe he wanted to go with me and now has no reason to go. What if he likes me? Thinking about that made my heart all fuzzy.

Russia gets up before heading to the kitchen grabbing leftovers and throwing them in the microwave. Once they're done he pulls it out. It looks like soup.

He catches me staring at it and slides it over. "Chicken wild rice soup if you want I can heat up another batch." He looks at me softly and I take the bowl. "Thank you." He smiles. "No problem if you ever want or need anything I'll help you."

"Well, I wanted to ask you out to the fall dance butnI comple-" "I'll go with you." He leaned towards me with a smile. "But on one condition." His smile made my heart race. "Yeah! Anything!" I responded without much thought, like heck Im getting to go out with him I would do anything for him.

"I get to pick the outfit." He looks at me with seriousness all over his face. "This is gonna be interesting.."

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