Princes and Princesses. 29

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A/N- this will be a floofy chapter with a bit of flirting this is a request byroses1171 and you are free to ask for chapters as well little shits💜🖤
I woke up in a haze it was strange. I got up and my head started pounding. "Fuck..." I reach out and try to find my painkillers when I feel glasses on the nightstand instead. "Ugh..." I can't focus. I flinch as I feel a hand against my thigh. "The-" "Russia, it's me Meri, you okay?" America was rubbing his eyes as he looked at me.

"Oh, sorry my head just hurts." I mumble. I forgot I was at his house. That makes sense why I felt the glasses. "Wait, what did we do last night?" I ask as Meri gets up to head to the bathroom.

"Oh, I kinda gave you a blowjob..." He shrugged coming back. Seriously just cause we were dating I let him do that to me? Willingly? Was I drunk or something? I shrugged it off I'll figure it out later. "Ok.." I drop back down and grab my phone.

America comes back with the pill and I wanted to gag the pill was pretty fucking large for a pill someone was told to swallow. "I'm not taking that." I groan, watching videos on my phone.

"Alright, can I steall a kiss then?" I nod and he scoots closer and kisses me. I notice the pills gone. This bastard. He grinds against me causing me to moan before using his toungue to shove the pill into my mouth and down my throat forcing me to swallow.

I swallow quickly the bitter taste of that pill making me shudder. "You fell for it." He smirked kissing my head and laying on my chest. He wasn't wearing glasses and his eyes sparkled....with mischief.

"What?" "I wanna be an explorer!" "Why?" "Cause your body is like a map, I wanna explore it." I choke and he starts giggling. "The hell?!" I groan as my face flushed. "You know how princesses kiss frogs who turn to princes? What if two frogs kiss?" Meri looked up at me his eyes shine.

"You want the flirty answer or my actual answer?" I quiz, setting my phone down and sliding my hands through his hair. "I'm curious about your actual answer." He smiled and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"They would stay frogs, think about it, disney has a movie about it. The chick kissed the frog she was turned to one so if two frogs who are supposedly princes kissed, I think they'd stay frogs. Not saying frogs aren't cute but im not saying they'd be princes either..." I watch as Meri's face lights up. "I gotta hear more of your takes on disney movies. We both are free today right?" He quizzed.

"I'm not going back to a homophobic grandad. Soooo yea." I smiled  and he buried his face into my chest. "You should do it while drawing this way you redesign the princesses and stuff." He smiled and I couldn't resist. I hug him as I sit up and gave him a peck on the lips before grabbing some paper and pens.

"I have a sketchbook for you." He said, sliding a black book towards me. "Alright I'll use this then." I grabbed the book and quickly doodled the frogs before going to the next page I'll color them later and give it to him as a birthday gift.

"Alright first Disney movie?" I quizzed him. He paused for a sec. "Well, my favorite Disney movie was Brave and Aladdin..." he hummed, messing with the blanket. "Oh and Heracles!" He added quickly.

"Okay..... pick one." I sigh as he's picking at his fingers in thought. "Heracles!" He chirped. I guess I could beat the shit out of that movie. "Well, for starters since the discussion started with romantic ideas. Heracles is a demigod, he wouldn't waste his time on a mortal woman he finds even if she is a valuable asset. If we are going off of mythology in general the gods always abandoned their lovers, atleast the mortal ones." I start talking and Meri begins to act like a child.

I start drawing the woman with a broken heart doodle I'll figure that portion out later. "Now going based off of that, he still can possibly die, Megara, I think her name was, saves him however because she is only mortal she's bound to die. Her reasoning for saving him was that she loved him, it would make sense if both of them were mortal because Heracles may see value in the relationship." I pause as America starts giggling.

"What?" I watch as he is shaking. "You sound so logical and pessimistic." He cackled. I groan. Forgive me for not being a fan of Disney movies.

"You know what im wrapping it up, Heracles has every right to just abandon her and I don't see the point why he asked zues to make her a goddess." I slap the sketchbook shut.

"Finally rhe pessemist has left the area." Meri smirks leaning in and kissing me before sitting back down. I shoulda figured. "Fine what do you wanna talk about asshole." I snap earning a snort.
"I love you." "Whatever" "teddy bear-" "shut the hell up."

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