Dance till you're dead! 18

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I was waiting on Russia so we could walk together. The plan was he'd come over at 5:30 and we'd get there a bit early. I expected him to ditch me but was suprised when I heard the knocks.

I run over and he's glancing behind him before I open the door and he smiles. "Hi." I give him a quick hug before we were on our way. He was rubbing his neck again. I didn't silence was a good idea to continue with.

While trying to think about topics I glaced at the outfit. God he looked hot. "You look good tonight." I bump his shoulder and he stops rubbing his neck.

"Thank you." He mumbled and faced his head down. "Scared?" I whisper leaning against him. He sighed and made some kind of 'meh' sound. I grabbed his hand without startling him.

"If you want we can cancel and do something else." I offer. He shook his head. "No , I'm sure your friends are excited to see if you would make it. I'll be fine I'll wait outside if I have to , But I'll try to stick with you." I heard him say tiredly.

Maybe he never leaves his house because of that. Just School then home. "Don't overstep your boundaries for me too much I want you to enjoy this too." I sqeezed his hand lightly and he returned a smile. "We'll see." He mumbled, his hand left mine and instead wrapped around my shoulder.

When we arrived he released. I wish he didn't let go. "AME!" I hear Japan scream before she crashed into me. Russia slipped behind me holding me up. "Hello to you too bull dozer" I retort earning a smile from her.

She looked to my side and her face was in shock. "How'd you convince Russia to come?" She quizzed stepping closer whr Russia tensed.

"It's cause I had nobody to go with and since Ruski Is my friend I asked him and he said he'd go." I explain and she looked at him annoyed.

Russia returned the glare without much effort. This will be intresting. "Soooo where's Germ Germ and Poland?" I cut in hoping to avoid a fight.

Her expession shifted instantly. She yanked me with her leaving Russia outside. As he vanished it started to thunder. Lightning flashed and soon there was a downpour.

I hoped Russia was gonna be okay. Japan led me to everyone. "We have South Korea, Germany, Poland, Canada, and Ukraine." Japan said cheerily. "Oh and Estonia came with her older brother Finland, but he vanished." Japan thought for a second as she spoke.

"Cool? Lets get this party started!" South cheered before snatching Japan and the two were doin K-pop dances together. I watched as everyone was having fun. I however could only think about Russia.

Timeskip party end

I walked around as everyone cleared up. "Russia!?" I called outside. The rain got in the way and I was starting to miss the warmth of the school building. But I wanted to find him.

I grabbed an umbrella my father told me to pack. I opened it quickly and walked aroumd trying to look for him. I felt my phone buzzing. I answer it quickly. "Yeah?".

"Hi Meri why are you outside in a downpour?" Russia's voice was muffled through the phone. "To look for you?" I was chattering, my god it was cold." The phone hangs up and I start to panic. I feel something hug me.

Russia was standing there, hugging me and slowly guiding me inside. "Look, I appreciate the fact you care to look for me but don't get sick doing this." He mumbled, he slipped his jacket off and placing it around me.

I saw someone standing next to him. "Who is he?" I gesture to the country who flinched. "Oh, I'm Finland, Russia And I were childhood friends. Sorry for not saying anything." He said his voice was more audible than Russia's.

I nod and Russia doesn't hesitate to scoop me up. I hear Finland laugh as my face flushes dark pink. "A warning would be nice ya know.." Russia rolls his eyes and we start leaving into the pouring rain.

Finland left quickly in the oposite direction as Russia started running to our neighborhood. I leaned against him as I heard his heart thump against his chest and hear the soft exhale of his breath.

After a few minutes, I was out and fading into the comforting darkness of sleep.

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