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April....Exams....But atleast afterwards we leave for the major camping trip soon. Meri already scored well for his core subjects. Mine, to put it kindly were dissapointing. Math I barely passed with a C. Engilsh D. Science A, thankfully. American history C. I groaned staring at the report card.

My father will kill me. But hey I scored well on choice subjects. Art A+. Music A. So I don't feel horrible but still not happy. "Russia!!!!" Meri's voice rang through my ears and I relaxed. "Hey! How are you?" I opened my arms as he jumped into them, hugging and kissing my neck.

"A's and B's throughout. Plus I GOT A JOB OFFER!!!!" America looked super joyful and I hated to bring up any of my problems to ruin his mood. "What for?" "I'm invited to be an actor! My drama grade is a perfect score throughout and they said they've never seen such dedication and want me to be an actor for the company!" His smile was so wide my cheeks started hurting.

I sent some of my artwork over to an animation and arts school, I didn't think my grades would help me get a job in anything else. "So you're gonna be famous?" I ponder as he squished my face. "YES!" he was practically glowing. It made me happy to see him like this but I couldn't help the small amount of jealousy that he was achieving his goals without much struggle.

I wanted to be like him ,but I could never enjoy that career path. I buried my face into his shoulder. "You're gonna be amazing." I mumbled. He lets go of me and stands infront of me looking sad. "Is something wrong Rus?" Crap now I've ruined his good mood over something this stupid.

"No. I'm fine just exams were tiring and it's a relife they're over." I lie earning a scoff from Meri. "Stop lying to me Russia, tell me what's wrong." He glared arms crossing. I sigh. "Look I'm slightly jealous okay? Majority of my life I was treated like shit by others I've tried working hard and every single college I've applied for has turned me down, you causually come in and without much effort are offered a job as an actor, something you've always wanted to be and I hate myself for not enjoying this with you I feel like a horrible lover for being jealous of your sucess instead of being fully supportive. Happy?" I ramble rubbing my neck.

I feel tears itching to fall. Meri stares at me a smile on his face. "Actually about that, I took some of your art and showed it to a very good art school and they actually offered to have you, saying your art was amazing and you could have multiple options with your art going forward career wise." He handed me a folded paper with a dark navy seal.

No. He didn't. "Seriously?" I open the paper. No way he was serious.

Hello there Russia,
We would like to invite you to attend Corvus Colledge school of arts (not sure if it's a real school I just made it up)
Owned by Athens Greece. We hope you accept this offer and we'd love to have a new student attending our school ,a friend of yours reccomend you so we took a look at a large portion of your art. We are very impressed of your talent in both digital and traditional art. We are excited to welcome you to our school and hope you accept this invitation.
Headmaster Of Corvus- Athens Greece.

I felt like a mess. I was grateful Meri did this for me. But mad I was jealous of him and his success. I was exhausted. Overall my emotions were everywhere. "I fucking love you." I yank Meri close to me kissing him. "Love you too but we gotta worry about camp arrangements." He laughed wrapping his arms around my neck.

I didn't care about that trip I wanted to stay with meri. When I made it home I knocked on my dad's door quietly walking in as I heard him respond. Nazi was leaning on the desk looking through paperwork while dad was printing papers and making Nazi read through them all.

"Oh hey Russland, how'd exams go?" Nazi glanced up and smiled before going back to looking through paperwork. "They were dissapointing, but I got into Corvus." I say placing the letter on the desk. Both my dad and Nazi stopped. Dad grabbed the paper reading quietly then letting Nazi read.

"It's about time your hard work paid off. I'm proud of you soldier, glad you're goals are being met. Remember if you fail be proud of the fact you tried." My dad smiled as Nazi sets the page down.

"You really are your father's kid." He plucked the Ushanka off my head ruffling my hair. My dad sighed. "Good job Россия" he handed back the letter.

I went to my room dropping onto my bed and pulling the cover up. "Boo." "FUCK." I see meri laying under the covers too. "How'd you-" "snuck in." "Got it." "Can I fuck you tonight?" "........" "please?" "Yeah sure."

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