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Russia and I were walking to the library to meet up with North Korea. Russia and I had done some of our parts and we were gonna finally put the stuff together. By now however we had 3 days til winter break since North claimed he was busy and caused Russia to pull all nighters filling in his part instead.

"Hey guys!" North waved to us from the entrance of the Library. "If he screams at us like that inside we'll have to find another place to go." Russia scoffed, flipping through some folders he took from his backpack. I snicker before stealing a kiss and running towards North, handing him my stuff.

North started snickering. "What?" I watch as Russia approached us with an annoyed expression. Wait did North see that? I look at him and he starts making a kissy face. Russia spat in front of him
"Cut it out bastard." He glared.

I felt bad for accidentally revealing our relationship as we sat down in a back corner. "Soooo-" "Why are you all of a sudden free today? We agreed to meet up and all of a sudden you couldn't make it so what's that about!?" Russia cut him off.

"I spent hours trying to find all our supplies that you were supposed to get hell it was a pain with a shit ton of Christmas party decorations on sale and people have school projects all a sudden and shit kept getting sold out so tell me why did you go back on the deal? This will cost us our grade now that we have to rush it all in a day!" Russia was tense.

"Okay, I'm a busy guy-" "busy fucking people without consent I bet?" Russia snapped, grabbing the boxcutter holding it close to North Korea the blade seemed to shine. "Rude." North glared. "That was months ago you're still throwing a hissy fit?" North cocked his head and Russia swore under his breath. "Cyka. Whatever it's pointless arguing with a dumbass like you." He sighed.

I grab Russia's bag, grabbing the folders inside. I noticed he had numbers of medical contacts and different therapist offices. I probably shoulda looked into that too and not just the effects and trauma being in a toxic relationship has.

"You Have a page of numbers." I point out. Russia exhaled, laying all the supplies out. "Mhmn why wouldn't I? It best to have examples to get help and such." Russia yawned, opening some sharpie markers and drawing on the poster board.

"Alright use the red sharpie for toxic and green for healthy." I say cutting out the research. "Well when you hear toxic you think of a neon green color soooo." Russia trailed off grabbing a red maker taking my decision instead.

"North?" I glance at him and he shrugs. "Red means bad, green means go soooo I think it works. I can see where Ruski gets the idea from." North hummed, snatching the boxcutter from under Russia's arm. Russia slapped his hand causing North to drop the weapon. Russia grabbed it and hid the blade before shoving it into his pockets. "You + weapon = Something bad happening." Russia glared.

North whined like a child. "Give itttt." He whined, reaching towards Russia. Russia grabbed a random pen. "Play with this if you're bored." He threw the pen at North hitting him in the dead center of his face. "Owwww." North whoned again. I snicker.

Russia slid the board in my direction. "The catagories and pictures are done, you can throw the research on it." He said before getting up. "I'm tired and kinda hungry I saw a cafe across the street, want anything?" He reached for his wallet and phone on the table.

"Hot cocoa or cappuccino with a blueberry muffin if possible." I say, glueing my stuff on. "I'll pay you back when we get home." "Don't worry, I'm offering I'm not expecting anything in return." Russia smiled before glaring at North. "How bout you bastard?" He groaned as North smirked.

"Thank you kind sir-" "starve." Russia left without another thought and I was in a fit of giggles as North's face was in shock. "I knew he was cold but damn, you must've hurt him pretty bad." I say somewht joking. I've heard what North's done and I'm pissed because of it but I have 3 days till break sooo.

"Hey America?" "Hm?" "You a virgin?" I shoot my head in his direction and he's wearing a smirk. "Don't you fucking dare." I snap, grabbing a nearby hardcover book to hit him with if he came closer. "I take it as a no~" North got up and wakled towards me.

"Any closer and I hit you with this." I hiss raising the book, standing as well. "You'll miss." North quickly leg sweeped me and I hit the ground. Hard. North kicked the book away. And sat in between my legs. I threw a punch trying to get him off. He caught it, grabbing my arms and pinning them back. "Scared?" He cooed.

"What the actual fuck Korea?!"

To swear by the Hammer and SickleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon