10. Love you like I did yesterday

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*Ronnie's POV*

I slept alone in the living room. Dan was angry with me and we stayed separate. I guess our childish romance wasn't meant to last.

I finally drifted off into a nightmare induced sleep.

I was in a church corridor, when I heard an exchanging of words. I walked through a big oak door and realized I was in a wedding dress. I walked down an aisle. There was a wedding going on. I wasn't the one getting married though. The people in the crowd had their faces covered, which struck me as odd.

"You may kiss the bride." I heard the fat preacher say. The couple kissed and turned to Walk down the aisle.

It was Madi and Dan. They smiled and laughed as they ran down the lane together. They went through me as if I was a ghost.

As they went through the big oak door, I screamed. The scene before me shattered like glass hitting the floor. Into a million shards. It was black and I heard soft noises.

I was faced with another oak door. I pulled it open and saw a cemetery. There were people gathered around the grave. A man in a bowler hat, two boys in suits, my parents, and a girl in a dark blue dress.

I walked soundlessly over to the group. The bowler dude turned around and left. I saw the boys were Dan and Phil and the girl was Madi.

I peered down at the grave.

VERONICA HANSSON it proclaimed in huge letters. I was crying by then, but it mixed with the rain that had started to fall.

"Huh. She deserved it." I heard Dan say as he turned and left.

Phil kissed Madi's cheek and ran to catch up with Dan. She fell to her knees next to the grave, tears streaming down her face as she cried. Her whole body rocked as she cried and banged her fists on the ground.

"WHY!? WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN ME!?" She screamed.

I wrapped my ghostly arms around her and the whole scene disappeared. A new one appeared. Dan was there, and so was a red headed girl.

They were making out on the couch in the lounge back home.

"I love you."

Something in me shattered at hearing those words out of Dan's mouth. They weren't directed at me. How many girls has he said that to? Was I special. I screamed and the scene disintegrated.

I woke up sweaty and panting. Madi was standing over me, holding my hand.

"Whoah. You okay?" She asked.

"I had a bad nightmare." I panted. I threw off the covers and moaned.

"Advil... need.... water." I groaned, laying back down. Madi got my stuff and a sleeve of crackers.

"Thanks for taking care of me." I said.

"That's what friends do." She said.

•Dan's POV•

I sighed, running my hand through my hair. I was laying in bed wide awake.

I was mad at Veronica, but it wasn't her fault. Still, she could have said something. What Joe did was totally uncalled for.

I threw a pillow at Phil, who was asleep in the bed next to me. (They were in fact, in separate beds guys.)

"Phil? What should I do about the whole 'Veronica Situation'" I asked, frustrated.

"Stop being a butt-trumpet first of all." Phil said, cranky from being woken up.
"And then man up and apologize for acting so lamely. That was completely uncalled for. She's a total wreck right now. Madi is out there with her now. But seriously, don't be a jerk, mate."

I took Phil's speech to heart. I guess I did over react a bit whenI snapped at Ronnie whileI was in the shower. I'm sure she didn't mean to let Joe pinch her butt cheek. I mean, Joe is sorta that kind of person. Strong willed and pig headed and idiotic I mean. It didn't seem like it had bothered Veronica much.

But how many guys had done that before?

I should apologize.

*Ronnie's POV*

After eating the whole sleeve of crackers, downing water, and taking an Advil, I felt so much better.

Until Dan came out of the room.

"Can, I uh, talk to Ronnie for a sec?" He asked. I kept my eyes on him as he moved across the room towards my makeshift trundle couch bed thingy Mabob.

"Um, I'll just, ah, leave" Maddi said awkwardly as she went into the bedroom.



"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier, Ronnie. I just get jealous. So when Joe did that I just got unhinged. I really really, really do like you Ronnie,
And I hope you will forgive me for everything I did to you." Dan said.

"Well. I, uh, guess that's okay, Dan." I said, stiffly.

"Well great!" Dan said, moving in for a kiss. I put my hand up.

"Dan. I think we need to break off for a while. We both need time to sort out feelings out before we get serious again. Do you get what I'm saying, Dan?" I said.

"Are you saying you don't want tone with me?" Dan said, the eternal hurt clear in his eyes.

"No Dan. What I'm saying is that this probably won't work. We were a thing, a couple for two or three days. And then one thing rocks the boat of our relationship and we get scared and jump overboard. I don't want this to be another one of those relationships where we can't trust each other with someone if the opposite gender. Please, I hope you get what I'm saying. I have nothing held against you. You're a great friend I hope I don't lose anytime soon." I said.

Dan's face was contorted. It was a mixture of sadness, grief, confusion, hurt, and anger. I was upset too and nearly lost it when he started crying softly.

"Please, Rons! How can we make this work? Tell me and I'll do it. I want us to be together. You're my other half." He begged.

"I just need some space right now." I said. Dan nodded before getting up and waking to the bathroom.

My heart has shattered.


This is what happens when I listen to Lana Del Ray on repeat for an hour.

Sad, sad things. I hope you
Guys thought this was entertaining even thought it was one of the most depressing things I have ever produced.

I wrote this yesterday so I wouldn't be under too much pressure to update today. I have Finals this week so I'm stressing that too.


Krista <3

1106 words

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