35. The first session

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After a week, we went to the airport with Duncan and Memei. I would miss Japan so, so much.

"I'm going to miss you!" Memei wailed, throwing her arms around me.

"I'm going to miss you too, Memes." I said, hugging her back. We all took turns hugging Duncan and Memei before heading towards our gate.

We shuffled into the first class line with our carry on bags.

"I hate riding first class." Ronnie whispered to me. "It makes me feel all posh."

"It's better than sitting in the section with the crying babies." Dan said. He seemed slightly irritated today.


After getting home, I took a shower and changed into PJs. I felt so jet lagged and tired, I laid down in the hallway. Ronnie walked passed me with her laptop.

"Get up, ya lazy quack sack." She said, continuing on. I heard her walk out the door and groaned. I don't want to move.

After a few minutes of lying there, O heard the door open again. I craned my neck and saw Phil standing I front of me in only pajama bottoms.

"Is my Moose tired?" He asked grinning at me. I let out a feeble "uh huh."

Phil chuckled and bent down. He picked me up and carried me around the flat, shutting off lights. He then proceeded to carry me across the hall and into his bedroom.

"Would Lovey like to stay here tonight?"Phil asked me, kissing my neck.

"Yes." I groaned. He set me down on the bed and tucked me in. I felt him crawl in next to me.

"Good night Philly." I grumbled.

"Night Moose."


I woke up the next day at 11 am. Phil was gone and I groaned. I forgot I had to go to the Therapist today. That immediately made me upset.

I dragged myself out of bed and down the hall into the kitchen. Ronnie and Dan were in the lounge and Phil was in the kitchen.

"Morning." I said, sitting at the table. Phil turned around. He was wearing his abs apron and had a coffee mug in his hand. He came over and set it down, kissing my cheek. "Morning, Love."

I pulled out my phone and took a sneaky pic of Ronnie and Dan on the couch and posted it on Instagram with the caption

'YouTubes Most Sarcastic Couple enjoying a nice baking television program 😆 #OTP'

I put my phone away and Phil put a plate in front of me. "Eat up." He said, sitting next to me.

I saw that he made me a very large cinnamon bun. My favorite. I picked it up and took a bite. It was dern good.

"Phil. Did you make these because of my first session?" I asked him. His face went flat.

"I was hoping you forgot." Phil said quietly.

"Phil. I have to see a doctor because I'm going insane. Do you honestly think I forgot?!" I said, raising my voice.

"You're not insane." Phil said.

"I know I'm not insane. I'm going insane. I'm a crazy person. And I don't know how you stand me!" I yelled. Phil looked stricken and I heard the TV go quiet.

Phil's face went red and a few tears slipped out.

"I'm crazy, Phil." I said.

"Um, hey. Everyone alright?" Dan asked as he and Ronnie can in. He noticed Phil crying and me with my head on the table.

Innocent Love :: Phil Lester and Dan Howell x girls fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon