30. Crazy

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(Ronnie and Dan's song: Criminal- Britney Spears)

*Madi's POV*

In less than a week, the guys were feeling better and we were all back to normal.

We were sitting in the lounge in the guys flat on the Xbox and on Mac books. Phil and Ronnie were looking at stuff on their laptops and writing a scrip for a new video. I was kicking Dan's arse at Bishi Bashi.

"Crap. I suck at this one." I said, looking at the 'Plane' mini game Dan had selected.

"Good." Dan grinned evilly.

"You're a butt hole." I said.

"You're a butt face." Dan said back, sticking his tongue out.

"Fight me, Howell."

"Bring it on."

In a half a second, I had Dan pinned down, face in the carpet me sitting on his back, and was bending his leg back.

"Madison. Get off Dan." Phil said, not looking up from his Mac.

"I forfeit!" Dan shouted. I stood up, satisfied with myself.

"Defeat is a b*tch Daniel." I said.

"Hey guys. Why don't we go to Japan?" Phil said. "We all agreed a holiday is in order."

"Where did that come from?" I asked, sitting next to him on the couch.

"I've been researching places to go for our holiday." Phil said.

"Do we have the cash?" Ronnie asked.

"It looks like we do." Phil said.

"Cool. I can speak Japanese and Spanish so I can interpret." I volunteered.

"No way. Say something!" Dan challenged, not remembering the result from last time.

"Su cara se parece a un burro."

"What's that mean?" Dan asked.

"Your face looks like a donkey." I answered. He pouted and laid across Ronnie's lap and she ran her fingers through his hair repeatedly. They continued talking about our Japan trip.

I started to tune everyone out and stared out an open window. Why was the window open. Look, a spider. I picked up a pencil off the coffee table and threw it. It stabbed the spider through the middle.

"Whoa Madi! You okay?" Phil asked.

"Yeah. What was that freak out?" Dan asked.

I felt like I was going insane. It was hot and I couldn't focus. I don't understand. Things flashed before my eyes. My horrible childhood and dark past. The abuse, torture, and the smell of alcohol.

"Mads. You freaking?" Dan asked me, kneeling in front of me.

I reached out and put my hand over Dan's face. I pushed him over on his side and ran for the bathroom. I sat with my head between my knees like I did when they argued before.

I heard Dan and Phil arguing outside and started to cry. I just mess everything up.

*Third Person POV*

"Dan! Why'd you do that?" Phil said, taking his laptop off his lap.

"Do what?" Dan answered. "It's not like I made your crazy girlfriend freak out."

"Please don't call her crazy." Veronica said quietly.

"Yeah Dan. Jeez." Phil muttered.

Dan threw himself at Phil and they ended up on the wall. Phil being pinned by Dan. Phil tried stomping on Phil's
Foot trying to get free. No one noticed Ronnie coming up behind Dan. She wrapped her arms around his waist and yanked him backwards, Dan falling on top of Ronnie.

"I'm so sorry, baby." Dan said, sitting next to Ronnie and taking her hand.

"Alright. Okay." She muttered.

They had then realized Phil had disappeared.

*back to Madi's POV*

(Hold on to May by Pierce the Veil)

I sat on the bathroom floor with my back to the bathtub, crying. I heard footsteps and saw the shape of Phil come in and sit next to me.

"Oh, love. Please don't cry." Phil said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me into him.

"You don't get it, Phil." I choked. "What it's like to be crazy I mean."

"If it's what Dan said, I-"

"It's not him, Phil. It was my parents. They were abusive and alcoholic. If you haven't seen the scar on my hand, I was stabbed by my dad. The one by my breast that you saw, my mom tried to kill me. This is why I'm the way I am. And now this ugly scar on my head from the crash. I'm a monster Phil." I explained, wrapping my face in my hands.

"Oh Madi." Phil said, tears gathering in his eyes. He didn't cry, but I could see he wanted to.

"We need to break up Phil." I said, looking at him.

"Hell no." Phil said, in his dominant partner voice. I heard it once before during ahem *cough cough* "we are not breaking up."


"Madi, I love you more than anything in the universe. I can't lose you. We were meant to be. I've found my soul mate and I can't lose her." Phil said, tearing up again.

I cried harder and stretched up and kissed Phil on the lips, taking his breath away. We parted and I laid my head in his lap and he stroked my hair, whispering the words only he can say to calm me down.



"I know now we are soul mates. I'm in love with Philip Michael Lester and I always will be. May death do us part." I said, reaching up and wrapping my arms around Phil's neck and moving to sit in his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"God, I love you." He said, kissing me again.


That took a turn I wasn't expecting. I just started writing and this happened.

926 words.

Innocent Love :: Phil Lester and Dan Howell x girls fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora