21. We are never getting back together.

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*Ronnie's POV*

Madi was home and laying in bed with Phil. I was walking into my room with hot soup and sat in my desk chair. I wiggled around and noticed that my Sailor Moon body pillow was gone.

I set my soup down and went into Madi's room. She and Phil were cuddling so I slowly backed out of the room and into the hall. I groaned and started for the boy's flat.

I let myself in with my key and went straight for Dan's room.

"Do you have my body pillow, Daniel James?" I asked, glaring at him, pissed he took a piece of my Sailor Moon shrine.

"Oh yeah." He said, spinning around in his desk chair to face me. "It's on the piano bench."

"Did you sit on it?" I asked.

"No, I just put it there after using it to lean on." He said, standing to get it. He retrieved it and handed it to me.

"What's that on the head?" I asked.

"I may or may not have used it to kill a spider." Dan said looking down.

"God, Howell! It's like you just WANT me to hate you more!" I shouted at him, looking at his shocked face.

"You know, you're not exactly a peach, sweetie." Dan said angrily, his eyes going from chocolatey brown to dark almost black brown. In all honesty it terrified me. I felt hot tears gather behind my eye lids, threatening to spill.

"And you think you're an easy person to be with! Mr. Existential Crisis and ohh 'I'm so cute lololol.' Hahaha." I mocked. Dan stepped closer and I was afraid he was going to hit me.

"Is that who you think I am? Well you don't know ANYTHING." He shouted at me.

"Whatever." I muttered and turned to leave.

"I'm sorry Ron-"

"Just fricken save it." I spat, leaving and slamming the door.

I went to walk down the hallway, but stopped when I heard the bed creak and a sob.

I made Dan cry.


Later, I mustered the strength to make a video. It was a simple "Ask Ronnie", but it was something.

"And coolcoolbruh says, 'I ran out of ketchup for my chips. What do I do?' well, I would say get up and go to the store." I said, laughing slightly.

I went through some more questions before I found one.

"And here is one from Unknown_User69." I said, rolling my eyes at 69. They say, 'I like this person, but I'm not sure how to tell her or if she's okay with me right now. What do I do?' I would say you should just tell her. Right now. Pause this video and go tell her. Face to face. I'll wait here. Tell me what happens." I said.

After more questions and editing and posting, about an hour later I heard a knock at the door. I saw a note slip under.

'Phil texted me and said he needs help. Can you help him. I need a shower. -Madi'

I groaned and left the room and went across the hall. I opened the door and almost tripped over a box. I picked it up and saw my name on it. Weird.

'Ronnie. I'm in the lounge. Dan went out and Madi said she was busy. -Phil'

I walked into the lounge and saw a sunflower with a note on it.

'Follow the petals'

I saw a trail of red petals and followed them down the hallway and saw they lead to Dan's room. This must be some kind of stupid prank.

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